How to Access Rails Server from Other Devices on the Same Network?
First you need to bind to when launching your server. Second you can access your server from remote machine in LAN using your http:// host_ip:port - kinda like http:// Th...
Alex Sinelnikov repliedHow can I solve this problem?
Looks like a docker issue, SSH into the server and view the container logs: ```docker logs ``` Then look for any errors or unusual messages in the logs that might indicate why the service didn’t ...
Alan Reid repliedDeploy rails 7.2+
Getting Started with Dev Containers: Maybe because I'm not using VS Code, I had to do it differently
Greg S repliedThere are no Phusion Passenger-served applications running whose paths begin with '/path/to/app/directory'
Solved this issue and a permission denied on Passengerfile.json with chmod o+x $HOME
Eloi Riera Lanau repliedHobby server alternatives since Heroku going paid
Hatchbox is the best option for hobby apps with low usage. A small Digital Ocean droplet of 2 GB (or maybe 1 GB for very low usage) is enough and Hatchbox is an additional $10/month/server (droplet...
Kentastic repliedHow to start and stop ngrok with Thin server?
URI::InvalidComponentError (bad component(expected scheme component): : https):
Bye bye Heroku 👋 welcome Hatch 🐣 Deploying my first app, few trivial question :)
Could I deploy two different apps on the same server?
Dedicated Servers i want rent 100
It sounds like you're building something pretty serious!
Wishaway Mike repliedHow will HatchBox handle manually installed software?
Any updates on this?
John Jensen repliedError on Letsencrypt tutorial
I am following the guide on this site for lets encrypt and I ran into error, I don't know if something is outdated or changed cd ~ git clone cd letsencry...
Ohre Alex postedJumpstart Pro - Installing Dependencies on Cloud9
You'd need to install Ruby, Postgres, and Redis on Cloud9. We did a screencast on Cloud9 here:
Chris Oliver repliedHow do I add an node express proxy server to rails app deployed on DigitalOcean via Classic Hatchbox using an nginx config file?
I’ve added an node express proxy server to an Ubuntu Digitalocean server that is used by my rails app and is deployed via Classic Hatchbox app that utilizes an nginx configuration file. The node e...
Alfred Montalvo Jr postedGot error message when I install Capistrano, stuck at deployment for two days.
RemoteFX Multi-user Login or alternative for better graphic performance?
Hello, We are running a "Windows Server 2016" VM inside a "Windows Server 2016" Hyper-V Host. Remote Desktop Session Host is enabled, User CALs installed and the Multi-user login works fine. On t...
sun18 posted