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There are no Phusion Passenger-served applications running whose paths begin with '/path/to/app/directory'


I am trying to deploy my rails 6 application on Ubuntu 18 server which has Nginx + passenger .

when I run cap production deploy
it tell me "There are no Phusion Passenger-served applications running whose paths begin with '/home/user/myapp"

I use this tutorial to do the deployment.

I went through this process again and again but my app still not up and running.

Please help me.

I have the same problem here!

I am not able to figure it out. The nginx server is running but every time trying to deploy get an error

You can check with passenger-status if the application is running. For me it hat problems to passenger instance registry, so I added passenger_instance_registry_dir /tmp; to the Nginx/sites-enabled/mysite

If anyone has a solution to this, I'd be glad

Solved this issue and a permission denied on Passengerfile.json with chmod o+x $HOME

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