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Yep! As soon as you sign up, you'll have access to our entire catalog exploring many different aspects of building apps with Ruby on Rails.
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We want to make our tutorials as accessible as we can, so our normal price is as already cheap as we can make it. If you live in a country where $19/mo is prohibitively high (or the conversion rate is unreasonable), email chris@gorails.com and we'll see what we can do. Otherwise, please stick with the regular price so we can continue bringing you more tutorials! 🙏
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Very likely! A lot of our episodes come from requests by community members. The forum is a great place to post episode ideas and example topics you would like to see covered.
- Can I post on the forums without a subscription?
Yes, you can. Our community is downright incredible and they're happy to help you with any questions you have. We love seeing questions that don't fit the StackOverflow mold. Questions about how should you approach a problem, architect a feature, or what you should learn next are all welcome!
- Anything else we can help with?
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“I cancelled @GoRails a few months ago, but I missed it so much that today I re-subscribed. You can't find quality i… https://t.co/DO3dnSPPXq”
“Another spotting of @excid3's @GoRails https://t.co/WIG7HNd7oh”