“I just realized that @excid3's @GoRails is listed on the sidebar of the #ruby subreddit: https://t.co/D2JSdm3wME”
Developers learn better with GoRails
Join 88,781 developers learning to master Ruby on Rails.
“Spent a few hours & tried a couple of guides to get it working on Windows. Then decided to give Ubuntu VM a try and… https://t.co/Em0rsbs36q”
“If it wasn't for @GoRails, I wouldn't have used Rails to build my own company. It changed everything for me. https://t.co/487EEU5JYV”
“Just discovered @GoRails and I'm so happy I did! Awesome rails content”
“wooohoooo @GoRails got an upgrade looking awesome, that’s my go to resource @excid3”
“@CodeNewbies Ruby Tapas & GoRails have been great resources lately. And watching conf talks on @confreaks ! #CodeNewbie”
“@stevepolitodsgn @GoRails In 2015 I built a startup using a pre release version of ActionCable. It was a pain in the ass to get it up on heroku so guess where I found perfect instructions? @GoRails I got meet @excid3 a few months later. What a guy! Startup sold a year later. I owe Chris big time!”
“If you've been on the fence about what framework to learn may I recommend Ruby on Rails. It's super awesome from t… https://t.co/O7xqRBznVT”
“Instead of Netflix, I'd rather @GoRails with the Github Education Pack offer they're doing. Brushing up the basics… https://t.co/0riudF8vIu”
“@sergiosouzalima @GoRails @excid3 cosigned, can’t thank Chris enough for all the great work he does to train over rails developers”
“I love @gorails! I'm recommending Chris all the time. This information worth much more. Most screencasts are doing basic stuff.”
“Big thanks to @excid3 for his awesome Rails beginner course - can't wait to get into the @GoRails subscription!”
“you know who does a kickass job of shipping and adding value? @excid3 and his phenomenal @GoRails resource. props”
“Going through a ton of @GoRails tutorials. This is great stuff. #rails #ruby #webdev”
“Hold on to your hats! @rails 5 is officially out today. @GoRails is picking up the video tutorial baton where @railscasts dropped it.”
“Learning to code was central to building Accomable and raising funding https://t.co/qI2PC6o4et - big shout out to @GoRails and @onemonthedu”
“GoRails is still probably _the_ best investment I ever made for myself. Highly recommend you take advantage of @excid3's deals this year. https://t.co/fUFTYaFZWf”
“I think it's the best tutorial I've seen so far for getting setup on Ubuntu with Ruby/Rails: https://t.co/IOX9uLu1yL https://t.co/v02r3UoUZp”
“GoRails is a FANTASTIC resource. Doesn’t matter if you’re jr/mid/sr dev, you’ll get a ton of value!! https://t.co/T5Y9MuvFsE”
“I can't recommend @GoRails highly enough! It's not just the quality of the tutorials but the way Chris teaches you to think through problems and demonstrates diving into source code. Was a huge aid in me becoming a solid Rails, and eventually Senior, engineer. https://t.co/DvFqEvknCD”
“dear @excid3 I'd love to connect you to @ryanmulkowsky - he's fallen in love with Ruby on Rails & I've told him you're tha man🤓 + @GoRails!”
“@schneems Check out @GoRails from @excid3 - great resource”
“I love @gorails! Great tutorials and explanations. Really good material. One great option to learn Rails particular features”
“If you work with rails and don’t consider yourself a master this is a must. Even if you do. The help that @excid3 h… https://t.co/YDrnJ0pfUH”
“I just got off a call with @excid3 regarding some server issues. What an absolutely kind person. I can't recommend… https://t.co/6oWlkt2Ttv”
“Well deserved. One way we encourage continuous learning in our company is by providing the team with books or onlin… https://t.co/ObecaaIyRR”
“Ditto. What a valuable and lasting @rbates legacy @excid3 is carrying on via @GoRails. https://t.co/txya5fIXrI”
“Train rides are the perfect occasion to work on side projects 🤗 @gorails thx for the awesome tutorials https://t.co/nerAgmSAsV”
“Been using @GoRails for three months through github education pack. Will be very likely continuing the subscription after my graduation. All the screencasts are absolute gold. @excid3 you are a champ!”
“Currently learning #ruby and #rubyonrails and I really love it ! Thanks @GoRails and @excid3 for great screencast.”
“You know you're a #rails fanboy when you start typing google in the URL and @GoRails get's autocompleted. #100DaysOfCode”
“My very first #gem on #rubygems. Please check it out at: https://t.co/cRTO8es8QD. Massive thanks to @GoRails”
“Shout out to @excid3! I came across his content months ago when creating a CRUD app. My favourite Rails teacher I'… https://t.co/dJ66bnJrW1”
“@excid3 Understood. BTW, @GoRails is 1 of the best #RubyonRails tutorial sites. Extremely helpful, keep up the great work! #startup #code”
“@excid3 @ruby_news @GoRails best $9 I spend in a month. I spend more than that in coffee a week. And @GoRails is the better value 👍🏻”
“This deal is worth its weight in gold. I've been subscribed to @GoRails since 2017 when I first started learning Rails and was slowly able to level up to the point where I got my first professional Rails job. Invest in yourself. https://t.co/7dtOGUC8LX”
“@excid3 just stumbled across GoRails and your sortable tutorial. Fantastic stuff! Thanks!”
“@gabrielchuan @GoRails @dantelex @usebutterflies Gotta love @GoRails. Especially when rails cast stopped producing… https://t.co/0eGgWe3kXg”
“@galrocker using @GoRails has top notch uptodate @excid3 (Chris) = great teacher and responds to your questions. I rarely see others do that”
“@GoRails is so awesome - the best tutorial service you can spend your money on. You can find actual real-life examp… https://t.co/EIHMTv6zhR”
“I love @gorails! Super friendly in the videos and on forums. High quality videos on a range of topics. Reasonably priced.”
“I love @gorails! this is by far the best #RubyOnRails tutorial site, goes in depth way more than any other online coding tutorial site”
“The content for @GoRails is top knotch, BUT my favorite part since joining is the email content campaign. It's all so well done! Well written. Interesting. Insightful. Great job @excid3”
“@AndrewFomera @GoRails Gosh, I absolutely love the site! Hands down on that one. I personally feel that GoRails is… https://t.co/8LGFv2NSRf”
“@JohnDavidSoto1 @ReedTechReed @jojosephs2021 I think Ruby is still a wonderful languages and the communities are still very active. @rails and @bridgetown and @gorails / @remote_ruby are constantly discussing, sharing, building tools to help web developers. Plus the mind-frame the Ruby community has toward the web is unique”
“My very own summer school is to watch a @GoRails video each day.”
“Every @rails developer should check out @GoRails by @excid3! awesome #rails #screencasts!”
“Fresh new mac and thanks to @excid3 excellent setup guide on @GoRails I'm up and running again 🎉 https://t.co/w3EM30F8SA”
“I cannot articulate how helpful the documentation on @GoRails and @railsgirls has, and continues to be whenever I need a refresher quickly.”
“Treating myself after a breakup, finally learning to code with @GoRails !”
“@_adeeb @_30days30sites I started with @onemonthedu rails - was great. But the minute you're done, pick up a subs t… https://t.co/692IhfIenD”
“Cutting back, decided to lose my @Spotify instead of @GoRails account😏”
“@schneems /r/ is becoming SO but I like /r/ruby, /r/rails, and /r/rubyonrails. Slack channels are better with… https://t.co/EWAGZsHhPY”
“Thanks @excid3 and @GoRails! Saving me on the job one day at a time haha 🙌”
“I love @gorails!”
“If you're looking at getting into rails or want to go further there's no greater value than @excid3 's @GoRails. S… https://t.co/U7O96jba0T”
“Today was the 55th month I've been charged my @GoRails subscription. Worth every single penny and more for the help and friends I've gained from the community. Highly recommend you check it out if you haven't. #rails”
“@excid3 @GoRails Definitely! I learned Rails 4 a few years ago, then hadn’t touched it for a while after I switched jobs. I jumped right into Rails 6 for a project recently, and your content has been a lifesaver for me!”
“Also, shoutout to @travisneilson for his work on @DevTipsShow & @excid3 for his work on @GoRails. I wish more people would teach like them 😎”
“Want to learn awesomeness? @excid3 will teach you awesomeness at @GoRails. By awesomeness I mean Ruby on Rails. https://t.co/7uV0K408yS”
“I love @gorails! Concise, accurate and up-to-date tutorials”
“tutorial for setting up rails on mac fast and easy.. Worked nicely. Thx https://t.co/3JaNj1yje7 @GoRails”
“When I'm considering whether it's worth the effort building a feature, the first thing I do is check if there's a Ruby gem available for it. The second thing is checking if @excid3 made a video about it. (benefit is that you understand the code, versus just plugging in a gem)”
“Go Rails is all the rage. Thanks @excid3 - really good stuff.”
“Want to learn Rails then subscribe to @excid3 videos. And he wears geek t-shirts, too. Testify! (high-five)”
“Thank you @excid3 for yet another amazing tutorial. Drag and Drop sortable lists with Rails & Stimulus JS on @GoRails! https://t.co/lFTZkRKuMZ”
“Christmass came early this year. Why?! Because of this guy @excid3 and @GoRails #awesomesauce”
“this is how i feel about my @GoRails subscription. happy feels, all the way. wait, couldn't you tell with the danci… https://t.co/mqeZ4B2tf1”
“I love @gorails! Excellent easy to follow tutorials, delivered in a manner that doesn't make you feel stupid.… https://t.co/SauVjrg27v”
“@okuramasafumi @GoRails i also subscribed today and I have to admit it was mistake not to subscribe earlier 😄 #HatsOffToChris”
“@excid3 Thanks for the like. Great work on @GoRails, been a happy subscribe for a while!”
“All I want for Christmas is a @GoRails subscription :)”
“I love @gorails! Chris is very kind, he is online on Slack almost 24/7 helping everyone. Can't count how many times he's rescued me.”
“Belated christmas present to self: @GoRails subscription! 🤓 Loving it from the first minute on.”
“I love @gorails! Chris is a great engineer and he makes easy to understand lessons with.”
“I love @gorails! Because i love what Chris doing.”
“Just have to say that @GoRails has probably been my best investment so far to date at $19 per month. #LearnToCode #Entrepreneur”
“Today was my 66th charge for @GoRails, the one monthly subscription service I won't cancel. I still got the better part of that deal. 😂”
“@excid3 Chris, cant thank you enough for your work with @GoRails. I'm working on integrating Shrine into my app and your video is awesome.”
“@TheCraigHewitt For rails, @excid3 stays ontop of the latest stuff at @GoRails 👍”
“I cancelled @GoRails a few months ago, but I missed it so much that today I re-subscribed. You can't find quality i… https://t.co/DO3dnSPPXq”
“Tweet 2/2. Checkout what @excid3 does at https://t.co/XBu678HuIX, @onemonthedu, @GoRails and @Launch_Code. Awesome stuff by an awesome guy.”
“Just subscribed to @GoRails. Some very useful vids”
“@excid3 @GoRails Watching now, thanks (btw: great work on GoRails!)”
“🙌🏻 an end to end file uploading tutorial is so hard to find. The original videos were fantastic, so grateful we are getting updated ones. These videos have more than paid for my @GoRails subscription https://t.co/OTjkbTLJep”
“I love @gorails! Chris is an Amazing guy and a immense contributor to the Rails Community!”
“@GoRails Thank you Chris, and guys @gorails. I'm really enjoying all the content available for Rails developers. Co… https://t.co/Gmep1kec8A”
“Instead of Netflix, I'd rather @GoRails with the Github Education Pack offer they're doing. Brushing up the basics… https://t.co/0riudF8vIu”
“Anytime I need to do something in #rails that I'm unfamiliar with... I check @GoRails and @excid3 has done a killer… https://t.co/0TQO7MAbMk”
“I can now confidently state that @GoRails is officially the best thing I've ever subscribed. Excellent job @excid3 cheers!”
“Enjoying a productive day thanks to the simple_calendar #ruby #gem by @excid3 from @GoRails! https://t.co/yDZKxCeknK #rails”
“@ahmdqader no not at the moment. You should check out @GoRails if you're wanting to dive deeper into rails 👍”
“Come to think of it, if you are a Rails developer who wants to stay current, it would be hard to do better than @GoRails for Ruby/Rails and @eggheadio for everything else. https://t.co/tK8EmdO9X1”
“@excid3 watching your mad vim skills pairs perfectly with pancakes”
“Want to know how #ActionCable (#RubyOnRails) works ? Watch my playlist about it ! Thanks to @GoRails (en) and @grafikart_fr (fr) :-)”
“Best resources for learning ROR on @GoRails, Thanks @excid3 for screencasts.”
“I’m at 35-ish months and it’s been one of the best investments I’ve ever made. Getting started on a new project or adding new features used to be much more intimidating before @GoRails .”
“HAHAHA love this!!! thank you, chris @excid3 you rule just as much as this gif. i will grab @GoRails next!! :) https://t.co/zGpCz5pAq8”
“I just subscribed @GoRails and started to watch a video about S3 direct upload, which I've been trying to do well for a week.”
“@excid3 welcome knowledge doesn't come cheaper than lunch.... Does it? @GoRails”
“Just subscribed at @GoRails — it's an absolute gold mine for folks trying to pick up ROR. 10/10 would recommend. Thank you Chris!”
“"We applied your 1-year subscription to GoRails from the GitHub Student Developer Pack. Enjoy!" The best message th… https://t.co/wrxobfQRky”
“I struggled for hours reading blog articles and documentation, and experimenting, to get Bootstrap working with my Rails 6 application. Thank you, @excid3, your video at https://t.co/kwxKHA5zNg was what got me over the finish line.”
“@ckhadmus @excid3 @GoRails Perfectly fills that niche of people who can already code but want to learn a framework in more detail”
“@jeffrey_way by the way, @excid3 and @GoRails are amazing. Maybe on day you do something together. I'm a subscriber of both #rails #laravel”
“@johtani If you look for some good Rails screencasts, I recommend you to give a look to @GoRails. @excid3 provides… https://t.co/jjA0iCMPev”
“I love @gorails! Chris's screencast are relevant and easy to follow! No matter your level, there is a ton of beneficial material!”
“@RchrdChn The best up to date tutorials & screencasts are coming from @GoRails right now. @excid3 (Chris) == awesom… https://t.co/KodLRmUEF1”
“Learning from @GoRails feels like I'm a pro at this already.”
“Man I can't say it enough @excid3 and the whole @GoRails community, top notch 🔥🔥 Chris took time out of his crazy busy day to help me with my dreams! Thank you!”
“Hey, @excid3 just want to say your videos at @GoRails are super resourceful. Thank you so much for putting all the… https://t.co/y1eVK9SUwE”
“No joke @GoRails took me from bartending to working on the leading software platform in the cannabis industry. This is a must-have subscription for me every year - and the community is supportive and encouraging. https://t.co/LeWzflx1EM”
“Want a career in @rails #RubyOnRails? Join @GoRails today and get ahead of your competitors. #LearnSomethingNew #Ruby #Rails 🏃”
“Another spotting of @excid3's @GoRails https://t.co/WIG7HNd7oh”
“Tweet 1/2. Big shout-out to @excid3. Not only does he create insanely cool #gems, he is also a very friendly.”
“Thumbs up @gorails! Excellent content. Especially around integrating your Rails app with X, Y, & Z (e.g. Google Maps, Vue, etc)”
“I owe my career to @GoRails. I came for the courses, but stayed for the community.”