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Deploy rails 7.2+


Rails 7.2 dev containers include a compose file, enabling me to run Rails, PostgreSQL, and Redis locally with just Docker installed on my system.

So I created run: rails new --rails-version 7.2.0 \
my_rails_app \
--css=tailwind \
--database=postgresql \
--asset-pipeline=propshaft \

Now what’s the easiest way to deploy a Rails 7.2 app? Anyone tried?

Your command will create an app named rails-version the 7.2.0 is ignored, at least on my computer. Here's what I did
$ gem install rails
$ rails -v # to confirm 7.2.0
$ rails new my_rails_7.2_app \
--css=bootstrap \
--database=postgresql \
--asset-pipeline=propshaft \

Created an app. Many Bootstrap errors and warnings, but otherwise seems OK. But I shouldn't have had to do the first step using devcontainer, so I am doing something wrong.

Getting Started with Dev Containers:
Maybe because I'm not using VS Code, I had to do it differently

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