Is there a torrent or similar to download all episodes?

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Hello, in the next month I will go on vacation. There is only very slow internet access and I want to use the free time to refresh my Rails knowlege. I know, I should just relax, but learning som...

Is there an RSS feed, newsletter, mastodon feed, etc. that notifies when new things come out?

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The twitter feed doesn't appear to have been updated in a while. The blog has an RSS feed, but it doesn't seem to include when new episodes come out. For me just having RSS at the "Lessons" route w...
Cheryl Alderson replied

See a list of videos I've completed?

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Does anyone know of a way to see a list of all the videos I've watched/marked completed? I frequently think "Shoot I saw that in one of the videos I watched, but which ones have I watched?" This ...
LorenzoJeremy replied

Get started with Rolify for roles

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Hi Chris, Please could you add an intro to rolify to your to do list. I'm getting very confused with the documentation. I want to have users in organisations who can have a role which extends t...
AnastasiiaStefanuk replied

Would love to see a Apple + Omniauth video

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Currently wanting to set up Apple + Omniauth on my website. I'm sure there would be many others in the same boat.
AnastasiiaStefanuk replied

Slack forum notifications

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Just testing out slack forum notifications.

How do I find a list of the lessons I've watched?

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I'd like a list of the lessons I've watched because I often want to go back to a video to remind myself of something – but I first have to spend a while tracking the actual lesson down. Finding th...

Suggestion for Topic/Lesson: Rebuild Recurring Select with hotwire

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Since the recurring select gem is not really actively maintained it would be great to see a hotwire version of what this gem offers. Maybe not every recurrence option it offers but a few of the sta...
spacerobotTR posted

Renew price for my subscription

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so I got my subscription last black Friday, I was wondering what would be the renewal price. do I keep the same discount? or does it goes back to the normal price?
ddokiajju replied


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I was wondering why there is a tool section or why it is empty....

New Design!

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Chris, I think you nailed it this time! Every time you roll out a new site design, it's better than the previous. Great job! Nick

My question: Who else here loves GoRails as much as I do and appreciates to no end what Chris Oliver has created for us here?

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Just wanted to truly say, "THANK YOU" to Chris Oliver. If it weren't for this amazing community, my team and I would be lost. It's because of him, and the wonderful people like you reading this w...

Correction for guide installing rails + mysql on ubuntu

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I believe this part of guide is longer correct sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev should be default-mysql-client default-libmysqlclient-dev
Jeppe B. Svendsen posted

Please send invoices out attached by email

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Hi Chris, can you please consider sending invoices out by mail. It's a real hassle having to go in an collect them every month individually. Thanks!
Drazen posted

Stripe payments course getting out of date

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Chris just wanted to mention that the Stripe master course is getting a little out of date (mostly just API changes on Stripe's end). Maybe a good idea to enable commenting on each section/video i...

Pitch: Replicate the Basecamp Jump Menu

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Hi Chris, i find the Basecamp Jump Menu to be a great feature and would love to see a video (or series) on a re-implementation with Stimulus
Drazen posted

GoRails forum report spam feature - broken?

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Hey 👋 Been trying to report spam recently and get "The page you're looking for doesn't exist" - on Firefox 87.0a1. Is anyone else able to report spam on this forum? If not, is there another pref...
Matias replied

How do I renew my plan at the current discount?

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I upgraded my account at the black friday sale in 2019. Do I need to cancel and upgrade, or would last year's discount get re-applied at renewal? Thank you.
Andrei A replied

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