activeadmin with devise_invitable
Gems / Libraries
Hey everyone,
I know... I'm still using AA... Anyways, I'm looking for a complete guide on being able to invite my non-admin devise users through the admin panel. Strangely I can't find a single, ...

User research around Rails AI code editor
Gems / Libraries
Hi everyone, fellow Rails dev here. I'm doing some research to better understand how Rails developers choose and buy IDEs and how AI features play a part in that. I'm doing 45 minute interviews in ...
Matthew Kaliara posted

2025 Rails frontend solution: Phlex or ViewComponents?
Gems / Libraries
I'm just wondering what everyone's opinions are on the two. I've always leaned into ViewComponents, but it seems like Phlex is on the come up. What has everyone's experience been with the two as of...
Chris Oliver replied

Noticed V2 how to joins(:events)
Gems / Libraries
Fearing this will run shivers of _back in kindergarden_ I do apologize in advance for asking this level of n00b-ness question but I simply cannot wriggle my head around the Noticed::Notification (n...
Walther Diechmann replied

Installing ruby_opencv gem results in cannot find opencv_contrib error
Gems / Libraries
I am trying to install the ruby_opencv gem but it can't find opencv_contrib. I used the command 'gem install ruby-opencv -- --with-opencv-dir=/mnt/c/Users/wjones/sites/musclesound-rails/opencv/my_b...
William Jones replied

Noticed V2 is great! What am I missing on the issue of 'persisting clients subscription'
Gems / Libraries
I use the web_push strategy in Noticed V2 - and it's a kicker - my +1 on that, really!
But I must be doing something wrong b/c everytime a user logs into the app hem is requested (by the service-w...
Walther Diechmann replied

Searchkick - Searching Polymorphic Associations
Gems / Libraries
I have an activity feed (thanks Chris for the lesson) and I would like my users to be able to search the feed for search terms. The activity is created on a nested record. Is there a way to search ...
Terry Bonds replied

Acts as Tenant with Active Storage
Gems / Libraries
Hello! I have been developing a multitenancy app using acts_ac_tenant. Until now it works really well but now I want to add some support for storing some files. I got a little bit confused about ho...
Andres Carvajal replied

Hotwire missing template on form submission
Gems / Libraries
Hi Chris/extended go-rails community :)
I have been playing around with the new turbo rails and trying to implement a turbo stream for my login form submission errors. I am wondering if anyone el...
Jake Smith replied

Gem for Questions
Gems / Libraries
Hey Rails Devs,
I'm developing an app and I want to send user random questions at random times on certain days. Are there any good Gems to do this or will I have to create something on my own?

SimpleMDE & RedCarpet
Gems / Libraries
So i have set up my forum with simpleMDE and i'm using RedCarpet to parse the markdown. Everything works great except when it parses the markdown, it adds extra set of `` tags before and after my p...

Gems / Libraries
Hi Go Rails Community!
Would any of you ever looked or seen a project/ tutorial on IFTT and rails app connection? I would be interested in directions in terms of going deeper? I know i have to read...

How do I create a gem for my ViewComponents that include Stimulus?
Gems / Libraries
Can anyone point me at a guide or tutorial that will help me built a gem that does the following:
- Allows me to have my ViewComponents
- Styled with Tailwind
- Interaction with Stimulus controlle...
Mark Stephenson posted

Remember Me in Devise fails to Login User
Gems / Libraries
If I don't use `remember_me` option, it works perfectly fine. The app flows as expected.
However, if I check `remember_me`, it will login in as expected, redirect me to a protected page, which wi...
Szedmák István replied

devise invitable gem
Gems / Libraries
when i click on this new_admin_invitation_path url then im getting 401 unauthorized error and then redirected to the sign up page.
nikhil kumawat posted

simple_discussion gem vs. discourse for lightweight forum
Gems / Libraries
Just checked out the simple_discussion gem (extracted from the GoRails forum here). It looks like exactly what I need for a small forum project.
I'm wondering if anyone else has used the gem in p...
Chris Oliver replied

How can I add i18n (Spanish <> English) for user posts in a PWA?
Gems / Libraries
I have a Rails site with a PWA and also a native app built w/ a wrapper. The site/app is for Hotel staff to communicate. Some of the staff speak and post in Spanish-only and some English-only. How ...
Ryan Mindigo posted