how can I translate the message generate by this @bookings.error.full_messages.to_sentence to some other language (such as Japanese) using I18n gem

Gems / Libraries
how can we use I18n.t in controller for such messages, how can we setup keys in locale for particular customised controller please tell in detail thank you
Shweta Srivastava posted

Display Cloudinary image uploads

Gems / Libraries
Hello, I've been trying to solve a problem I've got when trying to display images from Cloudinary. I setup everyhting accounding to the guide they provide and basically I need to upload images fro...
RyanJeff replied

Is there any Spree series anywhere?

Gems / Libraries
Hi, First of all, I love all the content here. I literally wanna learn the contents of every video I watch. Everything is like "wow, that's cool, I could use that" to me, so thanks a lot. Now on t...

Uninstall error of cocoapods

Gems / Libraries
gem uninstall psych$ which -a ruby /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/lib/ruby/2.6.0/yaml.rb:3: warning: It seems your ruby installation is missing psych (for YAML output)....
Confusedcoderr posted

Executing javascript code that's returned within a Stimulus Reflex morph

Gems / Libraries
I've got Stimulus Reflex up and running well, but was wondering if there's a way to have it execute javascript commands sent back in script tags within HTML rendered partials when they're added to ...
Tom Iwaniec replied

How do I implement a folder division with active storage and s3?

Gems / Libraries
I am working on a project that involves multiple sections where files can be uploaded. The general idea is that depending on the section where I upload a file, I generate a path in s3, something li...
Nicolas Giovanny Infante Rodriguez posted

error in deploying an app based on jumpstart in Digitalocean

Gems / Libraries
During the deployment phase on a Digitalocean app service I have this log: [tirzan-3] [2021-09-14 08:16:02] => Booting Puma [tirzan-3] [2021-09-14 08:16:02] => Rails application star...
Stefano Tizianel posted

how to use devise_invitable gem in rails

Gems / Libraries
Admin creates a User. App sends Invitation Email to new User. User clicks on link provided in the email. Links takes new User to a webpage where he pick his password. User can now login to the app....
Adnen Mrad posted

How Do I Use Selectize in Rails 6

Gems / Libraries
Hi there, I really love the selectize tutorial and would love to use it in a rails 6 application. What changes do I need to make to the tutorial. can i just change `//= require selectize` to ...
Rafal Siepak replied

What are your Recommended Linters?

Gems / Libraries
Hey there - I often get syntax errors in my ERB templates, is there a guide to recommended Rails linters?
Christopher Lam posted

How to fix undefined method `<' for nil:NilClass in the view when cancelling kaminari scopes by invoking @delivery_requests = @delivery_requests.except(:limit, :offset)

Gems / Libraries
indeed, when I try to cancel pagination on @delivery_requests by doing this: **"@delivery_requests = @ delivery_requests.except (:limit, :offset)"**, I get the following error: **undefined method `...

Cannot Reset Devise Password

Gems / Libraries
I am currently using devise, pretty much straight out of the box, the only changes i've made is custom views. The problem I am having is that I cannot reset a user's password. I follow the link ge...
Dylan replied

Searchick filter with scope

Gems / Libraries
Has anybody used searchkick with a scoped model? I have an `Article` model with `scope :published, -&gt;{ where(status: "Published") }`. So In my `ArticleController` I did the following: ``` quer...
Owen replied

How to handle flash messages with TurboJS?

Gems / Libraries
When using turbo-frame to switch from showing a partial of model to showing the form of model, how do I handle flash messages? The failed state - for failed validation - is pretty straight forward...
Johan André replied

Noticed Gem - Twilio is not working

Gems / Libraries
Using jumpstartpro. Setup the credentials and verified that they are correct. All other delivery methods work, but I am getting this error for Twilio ` Error performing Noticed::DeliveryMethods::T...
Aaron Xavier replied

Is Something Wrong With Jumpstart?

Gems / Libraries
I've tried to install Jumpstart three times in the last two days and each time all the gems get installed but none of the views or anything else does. When I boot the server it just shows the norma...
Tim replied

Error while cloning data from github using Rugged.

Gems / Libraries
Hi, I am using RUGGED gem to clone data from GITHUB , in my RoR app, which i have set up on my local machine. But i am getting an error "UNSUPPORTED URL PROTOCL" on "clone_at" function. Need Help !!!
Muhammad Muazzam posted

Mailboxer Gem

Gems / Libraries
I want to implement messaging in my app and I see that the most recent commits to the mailboxes gem say it no longer works in newer Rails versions. If it's not still relevant, then is there a new g...
Nancy B replied

Setup noticed to send emails through a mailer?

Gems / Libraries
Hi Chris, Sorry, I didn't "notice" (a lot to unpack here about my notice abilities) that you had a dedicated section for questions: I was wondering how you configure your Noticed gem to work with...

Suggested alternative WYSIWYG editors that integrate easily with Rails 6 / ActiveStorage

Gems / Libraries
Testing out Trix and it seems to be very lacking in features: - Can't set image size via css. - No layout functionality - Can't wrap text around images - No image alt text - Only h1 header! - No f...
RS replied

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