Searchkick Aggregation for has_many_through association
Gems / Libraries
Hey guys,
I have an ecommerce product catalogue, where I store products, product options and option values in this kind of fashion:
# models/product.rb
has_many :option_values
has_many :optio...

TailwindCSS Admin Theme
Gems / Libraries
Does anyone have any recommendations for a clean TailwindCSS admin theme that I could easily integrate with Jumpstart pro?
- Chuck
chuckblake replied

Sidekiq Web Assets are not pickingup automatically on production
Gems / Libraries
I recently upgraded sidekiq to version 7. The sidekiq-web assets are not picking up automatically. I am using NGINX configurations also but nothing worked. Please help me on this
Kazim Abbas replied

Issues with loading either rails s and rails c
Gems / Libraries
Recently made some modification and created a new file onto controller, views, but as soon as try to load with rails s or rails c, error message from the (server side, rails :

Zeitwerk causing issues while loading passwords_controller.rb file
Gems / Libraries
Hey everyone, if i may get a little help, i have recently added a file under controller section of my webapp, and from that time this is causing some issues as such :

How can I upload HEIC format images?
Gems / Libraries
My rails app can upload JPEG and PNG images, but HEIC images cause an error. I am using Carrierwave and Mini Magick. I included HEIC in the whitelist of image formats but it didn't work. Any help w...
William Jones replied

Recommendations for form validators that go well with graphql-ruby?
Gems / Libraries
Hey everyone, we're working with graphql-ruby and reform right in our app right now, but I'm finding that while reform is good with form submissions, it's a bit more complicated with mutation and g...
Chris King posted

MessageBus Gem
Gems / Libraries
Hi Chris. It seems MessageBus is a nice and much simpler alternative to WebSockets/ActionCable. Could you add one episode on this on the pipeline?

How do I implement OpenID Connect into my Rails application?
Gems / Libraries
Does anyone have experience with implementing OpenID Connect into a Rails app? Specifically the relying party (RP) rather the openid connect provider (OP).
I have investigated a couple different ...
Freibuis replied

Commontator with Trix
Gems / Libraries
Good day robots,
I'm trying to implement the Trix editor as the default editor for Commontator's comments.
The default Commontator view is defined as follows in `app\views\commontator\comments\_f...

File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sprockets on rails 5.2.0
Gems / Libraries
I have following problem. "File to import not found or unreadable: bootstrap-sprockets."
Following gems I have installed
gem 'bootstrap' gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.3.7'
gem 'sass-rails', '&g...

How would you set up these plans in Stripe?
Gems / Libraries
We bill our customers on monthly subscriptions, based on their resource usage in the app. They are private music schools and we charge by the number of students they have.The ranges are as follows:...

How do I make an app to get a video by url from youtube download it / process it/ and uploaded to a local db?
Gems / Libraries
I liked the shrine tutorials and would like to use that as an upload to local disk solution.
I also found a gem called youtube-dl (https://github.com/layer8x/youtube-dl.rb) to help download from Yo...

Slow jobs on Sidekiq
Gems / Libraries
In my application I have a job which makes several database queries (mysql) to recalculate certain fields of a model. (A kind of counter_caches).
Launching individually these methods take about 10...
Roberto Hugo Menéndez posted

Create a User Profile after saving a Devise User
Gems / Libraries
1. When the user registers, do you want to have them fill out some of the profile information as well? If so, then I would recommend updating the Devise form to be a nested form. That way you creat...
Alex Ventura replied

Integrations an Embedded iPaas
Gems / Libraries
I want to reach out and see if anyone has any recommendations for an embedded iPaaS. How have you implemented integrations in your app?
We've been looking at make.com, tray.io, and embedded Zapie...
Mike Menne posted

New Users Only Created by Admin User
Gems / Libraries
I'm building an internal app for my company that contains data from various sources (e.g. web analytics, server logs, etc.). It's hosted on an EC2 instance with a DNS of "reports.example.com". Ri...

Gems / Libraries
Hello any one can I ask how to make use of invisible_captcha comes with jumpstart-pro ? i didn't see any helps or instructions regarding this title am sorry if I missed. any one please

Devise User with separate Profile
Gems / Libraries
i am using Devise and i want to a separate profile for each user with additional informations like address, phone, mobile, ...
After Signup, the user should be forced to fill out his profile.
Pat James replied