How do I disable testing in Jumpstart pro?

I am having a conflict with test data in jumpstart Pro. It continues to automatically add accounts that are conflicting with my other test data. I’m encountering an issue where Jumpstart Pro’s auto...
Chris Oliver replied

How do I test the order of elements on a rails app page with Rspec / Capybara?

I have a 'Team' index page and I just want to TDD the ordering of the elements on page. My instructions are to validate they are showing most recently created first. I know how to do the actual i...
felixandrea replied

Setup Searchkick with Minitest

Hi everyone, Just followed the searchkick official's docs to setup the tests, so that I can test my search controller: Let's assume I have the following model: ``` class User < ApplicationR...
Patrício posted

Test some simple javascript with Minitest and Capybara

I'm seeking assistance on testing JavaScript that executes on the response page after a POST request. So I have something like this ```ruby class YourControllerTest < ActionDispatch::Integrati...
Jesper posted

Rails 7.1 Authentication From Scratch - Test Helpers

I've implemented the Rails authentication in my 7.1 app but was wondering how to go about stubbing the `current_user` or `session` in my RSpec Request specs. I'm normally used to have a Devise or...
Chris Oliver replied

Failed to Run Localhost because of Run Time Error

I'm getting runtime error whenever I run the localhost. Redis was running but it only loaded the homepage. After about 10 seconds, the server stopped and gave us this error. ``` `__connect_nonblock...

How To Wrte good bug report for Manual Testing?

A bug report is very easy to write. But what should be the column for bug reports?
Ashutoshkumar posted

Workflow for TDD/BDD on Rails ?

Hi, I'd like some feedback if possible about the workflow of TDD/BDD on a Rails app. I was doing a research the whole weekend trying to find some good examples on how to do porperly TDD on my Rails...

How can I test sortableJs ? (RSpec)

I made a drag and drop to-do-list with SortableJs and i'm trying to test the drag-n-drop with RSpec/Selenium/Capybara if the request is sent onEnd. I'm able to do the drag n drop using selenium `dr...
paul lahana posted

Can anyone point me in the direction of some good RSpec tutorials?

Hi, I've searched this site, Googled etc, but can anyone recommend a good RSpec tutorial? Thanks.
Dave White replied

Accessing The Rails test.key on GitHub Actions

I have credential files and keys for production, development, and test. Meaning I have no master.key file. How do I then access my test.key using GitHub actions? Using these approaches does not w...
Brian Gilbank posted

How do I show the keyboard in a web console on an i[Phone|Pad]

Hi all, so I know how I can _allow displaying the web console_ on a mobile device (iPhone or iPad in my case) by putting ``` config.web_console.whitelisted_ips = %w( ::/0) ``` in `confi...
Stephan Kämper posted

How do I find on an object in an api/v1/controller requested spec?

Hi there, this my first question =), am so happy!.... =) I have a this: RSpec.describe Api::V1::Controller, type: :request do describe 'on initialize' do let(:thing) { FactoryBo...
Diego Mota posted

Warden and System Tests are driving me insane.

Im using Warden for authentication and are now trying to write system test. But when I run a system test I get the following error: Failure/Error: if current_user.admin? NoMethodError: ...
Niklas Nson replied

How do I fix Github Action test error caused by "DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist"?

Hey - I have a Github Action test file as below. When I run the CI, the system tests which use Selenium WebDriver do not pass. The following error occurs: ``` Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownE...
Christopher Lam posted

Ruby on Rails 5.1 & Vue.js 2.4.x – Testing with Karma, Jasmine – How to install? [bounty on stackoverflow]

I asked the same Question on [stackoverflow]( I have Rails 5.1.x and Vue.js 2....
Pascal K replied

Rails 6 basics issue

I've been out of the rails game for a bit too long it seems. I tried to do a basic set up today to get pack into practice, using RSpec and Capybara, but just rails new -T and installing the gems c...
Chris Oliver replied

RSpec w/capybara vs Mini Test

Hey guys, what are your thoughts on RSpec vs Mini Test. Which one do you use and why? Cheers, Drilon
Chris Oliver replied

How to start with parallel testing in local as well as with travis CI?

I want to use parallel testing to reduce the build time.
mikkycoder replied

How to create a minitest fixture for a non database model?

Hi! Is there a way to create a fixture for a model that is not in the database? I built my app a few years back following a guide in which the Plans were loaded from a YML file and instantiated as...
Simon Moro replied

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