Rails 6.0 + Heroku + Active Storage + VIPS

VIPS is a 3x faster and 10x less memory hungry image processor that is now available for Active Storage in Rails 6.0. Unfortunately By default Heroku doesn't support VIPS. Do you know of a working ...
Nicolas Brousse replied

Vim is being "killed" by OOM when trying to open prod log

I'm hvaing an odd issue that I can't see to get a handle on. When I ssh into my prod server and I try to open /home/deploy/app/shared/log/production.log in vim or nano the process just hangs for ...
Drew Bragg replied

Configuring WordPress with Apache and NGINX

With Apache, I am facing slow server issue, I am trying to [Hosting WordPress on NGINX with Apache](https://www.cloudways.com/blog/wordpress-nginx-with-apache/), would it work good for my website o...
Alex Morco posted

How do I create a new rails application with ubuntu and postgresql

I'm currently trying to create a new rails app. I can easily do this with `rails new app --database=postgresql` but when I change the `database.yml`, I'm using the same user for every application f...
Arnas Klasauskas posted

rails - javascript doesnt work on herokuapp

I know this question is asked a lot in old posts but, no one has fixed my problem. The problem is an error in the web console TypeError: e is undefined ReferenceError: ubah_tampilan_menu is not d...
Reckordp posted

Installation Error with Ruby 2.6.1 on Ubuntu 18.4.1 LTS Server

I encountered following error trying to install Ruby 2.6.1 on a VMWare driven Ubuntu 18.4.1 Server with **rbenv**: ``` Installing ruby-2.6.1... BUILD FAILED (Ubuntu 18.04 using ruby-build 2019013...
Damian Nelwep replied

Getting slowness on passengers in our prod env

Getting slowness on passenger servers in our prod env when large number of web services are being hit from another application server . At the time of load on passenger there is no load on our DBse...
Atul Kumar posted

Deploy Ruby on Rails app using chef

Has any one done deoplying ruby on rails app using following sources centos 7.5 monogoDB, capastraino, unicorn, nginx, jenkins and chef on digital ocean. I would like to see if any one can help us ...
Mt posted

Incomplete response received from application when non-ascii character in html

I have an Ubuntu 18.04 server with Nginx and Phusion Passenger (non-Rails app) and it is working for websites with ASCII characters in HTML only. But when I put a non-ascii character to the `index...
Jiri Prochazka posted

Passenger vs Puma

I notice that there seems to be a preference for Passenger over Puma in your screencasts and hatchbox.io. Can you elaborate? I was curious about HTTP/2, multithreading, performance, etc.
Himanshu G. replied

Still seeing the Welcome to nginx! screen after nginx configuration

I have set up and deployed an application using Capistrano and set up the server and ngnix config file, however, I'm still seeing the `Welcome to ngnix` welcome screen.Here is what I have in the `/...
Ben John Bagley posted

How does one handle multiple Sidekiq queues on hatchbox.io deployment?

In reference to the ActionMailer documentation stating Sidekiq should be started to listen on the mailer queue, how does one ensure the hatchbox deployment handles this?In the documentation it stat...
Chris Oliver replied

Issue with multiple URL's on an Ubuntu/Apache2/Passenger machine

I have a linux machine that I put together within my organization for Rails applications. I have my first site all set up and working. I am now trying to add a second site/URL to the box and for so...
spacerobotTR replied

How Do I Update Rails Servers from another Rails Server?

I have a Rails Server A in Country A, Rails Server B in Country B, and Rails Server C in Country C, all using Devise and Omniauth.A user can sign up in all 3 servers. But when he logs in to Server ...
Chris Oliver replied

New server failed provisioning

Hi Chris, please assist with the following error;Your server failed provisioning!Server logsRegion is not available Make sure you haven't crossed your Droplet limit on Digital Ocean already!
Chris Oliver replied

Nginx Reload after Letsencrypt has made the websites slow.. is it common or its limited to my server setup?

Hi Guys,We have an application which has about 250+ websites running on it. However post we deployed SSL on these website our Nginx Reload has slowed down a lot. We are now facing situation where i...
Chris Oliver replied

Hatchbox.io redirecting subdomains to https

I tried out hatchbox.io's SSL encrypt for a new domain. And it's rerouting my `http://something.example.com` to the `https://something.example.com`. Any way I can keep it from redirecting it to the...
Anand Padia replied

How do I take advantage of multiple CPUs on a DigitalOcean droplets?

Hello 👋 I've a two Rails apps hosted on a droplet that has multiple CPUs. Honstly I don't know what does that mean for the app and if I need to do any thing to take advantage of that or does Rail...
jaems replied

Hatch - Deployment - Server monitoring

Hello I recently switched my Rails deployment to Hatch and have been a happy customer. I would like to check if Hatch provides server monitoring for the nginx/passenger ? I have few more instance...
Sanjay Nair replied

Redis on Digital Ocean vs. AWS/ElastiCache

I'm running a Rails app on AWS Elastic Beanstalk / EC2 which also uses ElastiCache / Redis to run background jobs with Sidekiq. If I'm not mistaken, ElastiCache is a completely separate service tha...
Craig DesBrisay replied

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