How to set correct host for action-text-attachment figure img src?
Rails for Beginners Part 12: Validations Discussion
Not sure if anything can be done about this other than raising the bottom of the terminal window a bit higher, but the Video controls constantly hide what you're doing since you're typing in at the...
Jerry Lupo replied@Mentions, Autocomplete, Notifications, and Links Discussion
How would go about doing this using devise? I'm a bit confused of how to accomplish this.
Jake Yeaton repliedUser Referral Program From Scratch Discussion
Thanks for the video Chris. Would you do this in a different way if there were multiple levels to the referral. For example: A refers B B accepts B refers C C accepts A gets rewarded for both, B...
Ajay Mishael repliedCustom Rails Configuration Options Discussion
This was interesting to watch you walk through the Rails source code and connect it it to something you could do. Would like to see a practical use case for this. Not really sure how I might use this.
Lee McAlilly repliedHow can compound csv file datas in ruby on rails oop
Alper Efe Şahin postedI want to use devise gem for normal authentication and api authentication with devise-jwt gem. Is it possible?
Hi Nejdet. I have exactly the same problem. Can you give me some ideas or tell me how you resolve it?
Carlos Vazquez replied • SolvedPrice Discount
hi.. I would like to have an anual subscriptions, 200 usd a year is a number for me, do you have some discount available for Argentina's student ? Thanks Pablo
Pablo Rodriguez postedAnchors being ignored when added to redirect_to path in controller
Oh my gosh RJ! Thank you!! (I signed up to GoRails just so I could thank you!) I honestly have been dealing with this issue for HOURS, when I finally came across your post! I mean it should be as s...
Miri Lama replied • SolvedDisplaying search results from an API
I am working on a small project where users can search through an API ( via a search bar. However, nothing is displaying on my index page with the r...
OnRice postedHow do I find a list of the lessons I've watched?
iTunes Controller Code Review: Part 3 Discussion
Alrighty, source code is posted now! included some extra refactoring and goodies like a "help" command and a "url" command to open a url in Safari.
Chris Oliver repliedTesting API Requests Discussion
I am getting an error "Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs::NotFound: no stubbed request for post" and cannot find anything that could be wrong. ######secret_test.rb######### ``` stub_token = stub_requ...
Miroslav Kralik postedHow to Build Custom ActiveRecord Validations Discussion
this is awesome
Cheree Shuler repliedWhy would I be receiving a NoMethoError when I try to go to the trips edit form?
Could you share the link to your code and exact error message? Without them we can just guess, not dig into the problem.
Masafumi Okura repliedAudio on a remote Server Windows ?
Login with Facebook Discussion
How to use Partials in Rails Discussion
The closing quotation mark is missing, and the backticks are misleading. (I'm guessing they were added for formatting markdown, but due to some change in the blog they are now appearing as visible...
Brandon postedERROR in chunk application [entry] js/[name]-[contenthash].js Cannot use [chunkhash] or [contenthash] for chunk in ....
@KeisukeMizuno your fix happens to remove the error. Thanks.
Barlow Kasule replied