how can i pass mailer_name into a method using noticed gem
us = User.first email = EmailDetail.find_by_name("Welcome User Email") UserNotification.with(email_class: "UserMailer" , email: email.function_name).deliver(us) i am trying to pass maile...
zunaira ihsan postedBest way to handle accessing resource view in modal and non modal
Hey there, I'd like to get some advice on how to handle rendering similar content like a show/edit for resource in modal or in full page render. Does it make sense to have multiple routes for thes...
Edwin Mak postedi am a complete beginner, where do i start to learn ruby?
Hi, i am a student and landed here through github student dev pack, would like to learn ruby but have no prior coding knowledge. I would like to start with ruby rather than python or javascript. I ...
Guy postedLooking for some good instructions for clean Rails install on Cloud9 with Bootstrap
Hey there, I am starting a new project and I want to get it off to a clean start with Rails 7 and Bootstrap 5 on Cloud9. After viewing some videos and going through the process a few times, it se...
chuckblake postedTrying to relearn CSS and I'm stuck
SQL Introduction with PostgreSQL Discussion
How to Add Pagination for Blog Posts in Rails Discussion
Dynamically create sass variables in rails
I have a multi-tenant app where each tenant can set their primary and accent colors. Is there a way i can grab those values and insert them into a sass file on page load? I"m using rails 5 and post...
Matt Taylor replied • SolvedWhat is the best way to add a dynamic active class to a link with Tailwind CSS?
How to I Architect my application?
Custom Image Analyzer
Handling Subdomains and Multitenancy From Scratch Discussion
This is great, thank you. I'm wondering, just to round out the initial Wordpress example, can you briefly describe what is needed to be done to land on (like, login, then ge...
Robert Ault repliedContributing to Open Source: Adding subdomains to the Addressable gem Discussion
Advanced URL Parsing in Rails with PublicSuffix & Addressable gems Discussion
How do I keep old files uploaded with active storage?
I'm using active storage with active_storage_db gem to keep files in Postgres instead of storing them in the cloud. I have a document which I upload - has_one_attached (i don't need to upload mult...
hcosteira postedUploading Files to DigitalOcean Spaces Discussion
Your method sounds good, we use Gs Richcopy 360, which saves time, and copy files from local or clouds to Digital Ocean easily and quickly. Also, ShareGate is considered
Zack replied