Handling multiple Account types
How do I search Action Text with Ransack?
I second @miguel's recommendation for the post from Thoughtbot. Insanely great implementation!
Jay Killeen replied • SolvedRails view_components
William Cunningham repliedHow do I deploy a rails only api on render ?
I was trying to deploy my rails only application on render but still getting error : couldn't find expected key "-", in my render.yaml file. Please anyone for help ? Here is my render.yaml file d...
Yannick postedChange password of users in Madmin rails 7 + Devise
Hi! I need to create users, and change password of users in madmin. But if I change the password I got this error raise Errors::InvalidHash.new("invalid hash") I understand the problem is the passw...
Jose Ignacio Jerez postedWhy the automated deployment from GitHub to DigitalOcean, will change the image urls in my RubyOnRails app?
Render concurrent request data as it becomes available with Turbo Streams
Very interesting, although very difficult for me
Una repliedWeighing scale connection
They have rs232 connection.
alexburcea repliedInstalling Tailwind with Rails 7
You rapidly end up creating a lot of custom CSS with bootstrap that you do not have to with Tailwind.
Thomas Alford repliedCan a Rails app be converted into a Progressive Web App?
Would love a tutorial from Chris if this is possible for Rails :D
Reece Jones repliedRails 4 ActionMailer Issue
I have created a rails app for booking cabs online. I want my app to have the functionality of sending emails to users once their booking is confirmed. For this, I am following Ryan Bates railscas...
Nikhil Sharma postedRails 7.0.0rc1
Persistent audio via stimulus change audio on click
How i can add delivery method with slack?
Searchkick and Anycable-rails hangs server
It is not just w/ Anycable, I also see the same thing w/ just searchkick + elastic...
Marcus S repliedIs there an admin like Django or Laravel's Nova
Thank you for information
claudiastuart replied • SolvedHotwire and iframes?
I have the same question.
drawgrunt repliedAppdynamic with Ruby on Rails
Hello, I have to configured appdynamic with ruby on rails, I have added gem "gem ‘appdynamics’ " in gemfile, also created appdynamics.yml file with following details: app_name: “My app name” tier...
Ashish Roe posted