Problem installing Capistrano
Command 'rails' not found but it used to work perfectly...
where is the solution.
DineshKumar replied • SolvedUsing Docker with Rails on M1 Mac
Using Rails ActiveStorage causes Integrity Error when trying to analyse
Thanks for your post
namanh-dot repliedHow do i create a QR code lead authentication strategy
Hi all, please visit the popular challenger bank for an example. Their auth strategy is to present the user with a QR code that changes every 30 seconds (I'm sure this i...
Dearg OBartuin postedHow to Upload Files Directly To S3 Using Paperclip And Dropzone.js
How can I convert this code to raw SQL and use in rails?
You can always call to_sql to see what the SQL is at the end of every query
William Kennedy repliedHow do I create a filterer with checkboxs that dynamically search for results?
I have a dynamic checkbox filter that is generated using php and distinct values from my database. games
jackjohnsonpo repliedMeilisearch api_key invalid issue.
Hi everbody. I think nobody faced that issue cause they integrated meilisearch to their app on production successfully. But me... I have put master key on production(on hatchbox env area and ubuntu...
Mihraç Cerrahoğlu postedMissing partial error but lookup_context find it.
Hi everyone, I'm get missing partial error even lookup_context find it. my partial is in `view/unicorns` and partials name is `_unicorn_card.html.erb` here is my controller code: ```ruby res...
Louis-Frédéric Schefer posted • Solvedam trying to delete a comment
am trying to delete a comment but when i click delete am getting a routing error and also when submitting the comment i get the data which is suppose to save on database i got it on screen
jemimah chepyego postedFeatured articles
I'm a novice rails developer, therefore I need your assistance setting up a button in each item in the dashboard to designate it as standard or featured, and then, if it is featured, to display at...
homerunthat repliedthe deleting user is blocked if they have subscribed to forum
How to insert QRCode into PDF using receipts gem?
I got help on stackoverflow, but I can't post the link.
czepesch replied • SolvedDocker rails assets:precompile
here is the Dockerfile i setup the project with rails g new --main --database=postgresql --css=bootstrap ``` # Make sure it matches the Ruby version in .ruby-version and Gemfile ARG RUBY_VERSION=3....
Islam Bahnas repliedFacing a problem in setting up the web server in Rails.
The bin/rails server command launches a web server named Puma which comes bundled with Rails. You'll use this any time you want to access your application through a web browser. With no further wo...
Priya Sharma repliedPaypal & Stripe
PayPal and Stripe are two of the most popular and well-known payment processing platforms. Both companies have similarities, but each platform is better suited for different business needs. While b...
lordelaula replied