Looking for Sr. RoR developer/consultant for SaaS web application
Hi, this community is more suited for discussing and sharing knowledge rather than directly recruiting for long-term consultative or development opportunities. For such needs, platforms like Linked...
ViolentLeopard replied • SolvedHow do I add a comment to the thread that explains how to install Rails?
Template Locals in Rails 7.1 Discussion
How to solve the human varification error in a website?
Simple_calendar how to only show start and end date on calendar?
Automatic Transcriptions Database Model Discussion
Adding a Blog Post Show Action Discussion
Really nice chapter, I didn't knowing that passing only de model Rails could build the path for you.
CarlosLeonCode repliedsolidus
It sounds like you're encountering a common issue when working with Solidus, an open-source e-commerce platform.
Terry Stout repliedHow do I share my master.key with capistrano deployment
In app-name/shared/config/ you can add your master.key Then in Capistrano's deploy.rb add: append :linked_files, "config/master.key"
Erica McDevitt replied • SolvedHow to Extend the Ubuntu Default Logical Volume Partition Discussion
Encrypting Passwords In The Database Discussion
How can i run this ``` EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit --environment=development ``` command in my windows machine?
Suvan Gowri Shanker postedActionText remove attach file button from Trix editor
I know this is old but you can add an event listener in `application.js`: ``` document.addEventListener("trix-file-accept", (e) => { e.preventDefault() }) ``` and then target the UI with CSS...
Chuck repliedImproving app:update command for Rails 7.2 Discussion
I think create a new branch in the cloned repository to work on your pull request. It's good practice to give the branch a descriptive name related to the issue you're fixing.
Ricky Garrison repliedRails upgrade companies
Difficult choice indeed. Ready to discuss this in public? What parts do you consider in the decision?
robert repliedRuby gems to interact with Raspberry Pi GPIO
I can't remember all of them because I dabbled with that couple of months ago. Most of them are more than 5-6 years without a commit. Didn't cross my mind I could search for help here. What I can ...
Aware repliedHow can I use summernote editor in rails?
Hi, Did you get a solution to the above? I'd be interested to learn from you.
Briton Otieno repliedAutocomplete search across multiple models with results from each model
Was there ever a post on this?
Colin Ambler repliedEigenclasses Discussion
I was mistaken when I believed that this could be used with the Rails Asset Pipeline. PurgeCSS obtains Tailwind CSS from the javascript/css directory, where it is installed. I was hoping this woul...
Lynn Davenport replied