I need recommendation for ecommerce store
I need a recommendation for Hosting as cPanel is easy to manage but is not a good option for an ecommerce store as I would have limited control and do have performance and security issues. Whereas on the other side I have dedicated servers options for which I have full control but would require technical expertise to manage it. I need a solution somewhere between shared and dedicated hosting?
People are recommending me to go for managed hosting like provided by Cloudways web hosting ecommerce. What do you guys suggest shall I start with Managed hosting?
I assume you're talking about a Rails site. Is that correct? If not, use a SAS service like Shopify, or Ecwid.
How is an e-commerce site special in terms of hosting? What is your special requirement for hosting that other Rails sites do not need?
If you want easy hosting for a smaller site go for Heroku, if you have many users and you care about costs, and need a bit more control (for example install unique software) go for AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Also, I can't emphasise enough how beneficial having a phone number has been to my business. You don't even need to have someone answering the phone all of the time. I just tell individuals to leave a message and call back when they have a free moment. When I call back, I would estimate that only around 5-10% of the persons that call do not answer.
I get 5-10 calls every week, and at least half of them end in a sale, which is generally higher than traditional internet transactions. It's inconvenient to have my phone ring while I'm not available to answer it, but it's totally worth it!