Video idea: Google insights
Hi Chris, Would be nice to see a video about optimizations for rails for better score in google's page speed test.
Pedro Carmona postedHi Chris, Would be nice to see a video about optimizations for rails for better score in google's page speed test.
Pedro Carmona postedHi Ivan, Above you wrote: "You will have to create the new and create methods for the journal of course for the form to work." But later you said that "You would be initiating the form from your ...
Monroe Mann repliedUPDATE!!! I have edited the database.yml file and still receiving "PG::ConnectionBad: fe_sendauth: no password supplied"
Tom Marler repliedI wish to help but I can't figure out what you want to do. Use short and simple sentences to describe: * Your current setup * Your desired user flow * What you're having a problem with * Show code ...
Ivan Raszl repliedHi, I want to work always in edit mode and not in show mode. So when i go to show a object, I want to be in edit mode. How I can make this possibile? First I think that I can put a redirect in show...
AlessioVaralta postedHi Chris, i cannot upload the images from rich text drag and drop to s3 from dev. my development .rb `config.active_storage.service = :amazon` my storage.yml ``` local: service: Disk root: ...
Pratima Singh postedCheck out [this article]( on auth using Vue + GraphQL and the battle tested Devise gem. All feedback...
James Klein postedIs there a way to achieve exporting the entire active records in a rails application to csv where each relation is a sheet of csv or there is another way to export full db data.Any suggestions?
Abhishek Aravindan postedHi fellas, I have a project to do where 2 apps share one database! **1.** The first one (app1) is a basic blogging application that lets a user register and then write posts. Each user can write, r...
AgonIdrizi postedAfter a user submits a URL via a form I need to run a handful of jobs in series What would be a good way to do this? 1. User submits URL 2. Use the URL to build file paths 3. Download file 1 fro...
Daniel Weaver postedI am using intializers/session_store.rb `MyApp::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_myapp_session'` config/application.rb `config.middleware.insert_before "ActionDispatch::Ses...
Amit Mallick postedHere is what it's showing: ``` Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action discussion_posts GET /discussions/:discussion_id/posts(.:format) ...
Rob Thomas repliedThanks guys. Good reminder about Basecamp. I did already know that, being a user of both Classic and Basecamp 2. Very interesting that they keep every version alive. Thumbs up for the rewrite so f...
Daniel Weaver repliedI am trying to create a game where two players are created at once being of same class(Player).
sameer postedI have two rails application "base1" and "base2". base1 uses db1 and have multiple tenants inside this database. "base1" is multitenant application using apartment gem. "base2" is single tenant app...
Abhishek Aravindan postedI have a table Operations with two columns referenced to Accounts. One column is called **debit_id** and other **credit_id**. Model looks like ``` belongs_to :debit, class_name: :Account, opt...
Kolbasoid postedRemoving buttons does seem to be easily done with css, but what about adding custom buttons like h1, h2, h3, underline, indent, etc? Seems like ActionText (via Trix) would have some config options...
Adam Stockland repliedI figured it out. When using bootstrap-sass you need to use bootstrap 2 or 3. Thanks.
Jeremy Hill replied • SolvedYou can try `RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS=--disable-install-doc rbenv install 2.6.3` instead of `rbenv install 2.6.3`
jundalisay replied