Why isn't the Boostrap Dropdown not working in the menu after loging in ?
Thank you very much :)
Damian Nelwep replied • SolvedDisplaying an address from a selected location
I'm stumbling over the grouped_options_for_select here. Could you give me a hand in translating this into a regular select? I'm having a dumb blonde moment. `<%= f.grouped_collection_select ...
shakycode repliedHow do I get the dropdown menu to show the selected after the page refreshes
Hello ~ I have been trying to figure out how to get the dropdown menu like the one in this forum to show the category after the page refreshes ~ I have been trying to do it using javascript and boo...
JP postedShould I be able to master JavaScript in less than two months?
Javascript function firing on page load
Ok so it seems like the issue is that I need to export the functions from the file and then import them in application.js. ``` import * as myModule from "./peaks-setup"; window.myModule = myModul...
benjaminhouy replied • SolvedWhat's with the elitism against Javascript?
Javascript is different from languages like c, c++ and java.
Eldon Jones repliedJavascript not executing
Converting a regular coordinate system to the dimensions of an Android View
Coffeescript 2 Rails Asset Pipeline
Updated to Ruby 3.1.2, now targets in Stimulus Controllers not working
Maybe not a good answer. I ran into a problem upgrading to 3.1.2 and just rolled back to 3.0.2. Not the same problem as yours. My thinking was I didn't need the latest and that eventually the probl...
Greg S repliedHow do I find out why Stimulus controllers aren't getting compiled? Asset Pipeline problem
Not an answer, but I got it working by running `rails assets:precompile`. Shouldn't this be part of `Profile.dev`? or something like that? Still curious about original question of how to see what ...
Greg S repliedCan we use React in a similar way to Vue, which was showed in this tutorial form Chris --> 'Vue.js Components in Rails Views'
Few years ago Chris published this tutorial https://gorails.com/episodes/vuejs-components-in-rails-views What about React? Would similar approach work in this case?
inayk postedStimulus JS controller not working
hey were you able to find the issue?
Muhammad Taha repliedHow do I add a second bundle when using ESBuild and dart-sass? (one for admin, anothre for public-facing layouts)
You should be able to just modify the esbuild command in package.json to run twice. ```js esbuild app/javascript/application.js --bundle --sourcemap --outdir=app/assets/builds --public-path=assets...
Chris Oliver repliedI want to click on dynamically created HTML elements in stimulus js.
i'm done
Abdul Basit Khan replied • SolvedExtend stimulus controller - base class not found
MollySpencer72 repliedHow to initialize datepicker in stimulus controller?
Here is my solution: it also works well in Bootstrap modals. year option doesn't work well in modals, to solve the problem i have added the required code. import Flatpickr from 'stimulus-flatpick...
Umair repliedStimulus not autoloading controllers
JavaScript functions disappear when using Rails 7
I didn't figure out why exactly my setup wasn't working so I tried another approach. I put my JS file in a Stimulus controller and then loaded that and it's working great.
benjaminhouy replied