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A lot of Ruby code is "magic". We'll explain the magic and see how it works using the powerful tools Ruby gives us.
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Sending chat messages from the browser to the server with ActionCable
In this series, we're building a clone of Slack using Rails 5 and ActionCable
To only have ActionCable's JS connect for logged in users, we can setup our Javascript to know when a user is authenticated or not, and have our websocket try to connect accordingly.
See how different approaches can affect the code you write using FizzBuzz as an example
Learn how to use a template model to populate forms and other objects with
Learn how to improve the speed of your database queries by adding database indexes to your tables
Learn how to use sentimental analysis against text inside your application and cache it so you can query against it later
Learn how I design GoRails for speed and performance on all layers of the stack
Use memoization to your advantage to cache results in memory to improve speed
Learn how to upgrade your Turbolinks 2.5 or 3.0 app to the newest Turbolinks 5
Learn how to send messages between users with the Mailboxer gem
Learn how to deploy ActionCable and Rails 5 with Passenger
A Ruby microservice to generate tweet quote images for sharing on social media like Twitter and Facebook
Learn how to share data between Rails and Javascript without using AJAX
Learn how you can use virtual attributes to make forms cleaner and how the Rails 5 attribute API can save you a bunch of time
Learn how to add in-app notifications like Facebook and Twitter
The new admin gem from Thoughtbot shows some promise for easy to customize admin interfaces in your Rails app
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