The Ruby Subscript Operator Discussion
Quite insightful. Thanks
Bashar repliedAPI CRUD Actions Discussion
Rails for Beginners Part 35: Editing Tweets Discussion
Rails Application Templates Discussion
Hi Chris please help when installing jumpstart it pause on bellow generator rails generate devise:views:bootstrapped Please help!!!!
Mpumelelo repliedOur First API Discussion
Dear FF, welcome to the forum. Please recognize you email us all when you post here. I looked the the repo due to your non-edited comment. You're referencing a repo from 6 years ago. Code is consta...
Dave Woodall. repliedImproving In-App Notifications Discussion
Just the answer I was looking for!
Taylor Cooney repliedSortable Drag and Drop Discussion
This worked for me: Start with removing jquery-ui: ``` yarn remove jquery-ui ```
robert repliedDeploy Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus Discussion
Great tutorial. Everything went well, but when I do cap deploy production, I get the error below. Any ideas? Thank you!cap aborted!SSHKit::Runner::ExecuteError: Exception while executing as deploy@...
Alex Hendershott repliedHow do I add a /user.json file using devise?
Setup MacOS 10.13 High Sierra Discussion
Hi when i run the 'Final steps' which starts with rails new my app . i get in red conflict .gitignore on the terminal. also when i run the local host 3000 link on safari it says safari can't connec...
bananakinq repliedAdding Stripe update card form, Cancel, and Resubscribe Discussion
Thanks again Chris for this. For some reason my "Card update" is giving the following error:"Invalid source object: must be a dictionary or a non-empty string. See API docs at
Neba Funwi-gabga repliedSetup Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Discussion
Just note about problem and solution in case that you want to install `gem install bundler` with rbenv ruby 2.0.0-p648. I got an error: ``` gem install bundler Fetching: bundler-2.3.24.gem (100%)...
Nezir Zahirovic repliedVue.js Components in Rails Views Discussion
Could you post how to migrate for Rails 7 + Esbuild? I tried but I got Failed to mount app: mount target selector "app" returned null.
leoplct repliedSetup Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus Discussion
Icing on the cake:echo 'gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri' >> ~/.gemrcgem install pry && echo 'alias irb=pry' >> ~/.bashrc
Tom Lobato repliedLiking Posts Discussion
Hey! I really appreciate all these screencasts, happily pro user. For this I'm getting an "undefined method 'likes'" on the user model so i'm a little stuck. Any ideas why?Cheers! :)
Juanmnl repliedUser Authentication with Devise Discussion
Setup Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Canimal Discussion
I've got ROR install on ubuntu in a virtual box. After getting a new PC (AMD Ryzen 5 2600) , it has virtually crawled to a snails pace on the vm.
Joe Guerra postedStripe Elements Javascript Discussion
Same question as @jose, does anyone know if this [1] covers two factor / 3D Secure payments using the payment intents API from Stripe? Thanks! [1]
Shoaib Burq replied