Rails 5.1.5 ( redirect to login but not saving data [omniauth + Devise]

Im Trying to make Oauth using multi model, User and Identity. i setup the one to many Relationship between User and Identity and write some code for each model like thisuser.rbclass User < ...
Michael Lazuardy replied

need help with buffer clone app

DEBUG -- omniauth: (twitter) Request phase initiated. I get this above line when I press the Connect Twitter button.
Arnab Mondal replied

Git Submodules and how they live on Github

I've been working through the OAuth/Omni Auth Tutorial and was curious what would be a good way to set it up for github? Would it make sense to have a seperate repo for each *app* (provider, clien...
BrandonKlotz posted

No route matches [GET] "/auth/facebook"

Hi folks! I am just starting to learn Rails, I want to make a simple OAuth Facebook login and display it after a successful login. I always got No route matches [GET] "/auth/facebook" and can't fi...
Henry Augustianno replied

Rails for Beginners Part 25: Twitter Account Model Discussion

Hi! After setting the twitter_account model, before accessing Ruby console and running the "User.last.twitter_accounts" command, shouldn't we run 'rails db:migrate' to actually create the table in ...
Andrii Mishchenko replied

SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed

I am new to Ruby on Rails I have followed this tutorial:https://www.crondose.com/2016/12/guide-integrating-omniauth-rails-5-facebook-login-feature/ It lets me reach the login and even accept the c...
Brandon Morales posted

Rails for Beginners Part 27: Twitter Accounts Page Discussion

This episode has been updated for Omniauth 2.0. 👍

Any one help in pointing to a resource or webcast which explains how to interact with Google Drive API

Gems / Libraries
I am very new to rails and trying to build an app which can interact with Google DRIVE Api V3. I have scaffolded a Rails 5 App and used Devise Gem along with Google OmniAuth2 to authenticate and re...
Chris Oliver replied

Save facebook profile image in GCS

Gems / Libraries
Hi, I'm trying to implement a simple social login feature where users can log in using facebook account. Currently I'm using devise omniauth for authentication and carrierwave and fog-google for im...
Shashindran VIjayan posted

How Do I Update Rails Servers from another Rails Server?

I have a Rails Server A in Country A, Rails Server B in Country B, and Rails Server C in Country C, all using Devise and Omniauth.A user can sign up in all 3 servers. But when he logs in to Server ...
Chris Oliver replied

Avoid devise automatic sign-in after email confirmation

After email confirmation, devise automatic sign-in users, how configure devise to avoid that? ```rb # devise.rb Devise.setup do |config| config.mailer_sender = 'noreply@secret.com' end ``` ```r...
Bruno Wego replied

Rails for Beginners Part 29: Tweets Index & New Actions Discussion

At around 6:30 where you add the /auth/twitter/ link, the method: needs to be added as a :post correct, for OAuth 2.0?

Ruby on rails - what is the best way to add social authentication in the project?

I want to add social authentication in my project like user can also login with Facebook, Github, and Google. I have already added the simple authentication with the devise gem. And now I want to ...

How do I implement OpenID Connect into my Rails application?

Gems / Libraries
Does anyone have experience with implementing OpenID Connect into a Rails app? Specifically the relying party (RP) rather the openid connect provider (OP). I have investigated a couple different ...
Freibuis replied

Rails for Beginners Part 26: Table Plus Discussion

Sequeler for Linux will do the trick as well for SQLite, MySQL and pgSQL Lots of decent options out there.
Alex Wertheim replied

Open Source Vlog - Rails Generators | GoRails - GoRails

Hey Chris, I just want to say thank you for these screencasts. I've learned a lot, and I'm a bit more confident in my rails development skills to actually apply for Jr. Positions. Your videos have ...
Someone replied

User Profile with devise

Gems / Libraries
Hello I'm new to rails and I am trying to work with the has_one association. I'm using Devise for authentication. I was each user to have a profile (which will include their address and some other ...

Login with Facebook Discussion

Thanks for the video—it was great! I would love to see how you'd approach managing multiple OmniAuth strategies for a single user without Devise.…

How do I structure my DB to set up oAuth integrations with Facebook, Instagram, etc.

I have a Shopify app where they (Shopify) handle authentication. If you can login to your Shop on their platform, you can login to the Rails app. Therefore I have no need for Devise. It seems like ...

Jumpstart pro configuration question

Hi, I am relative newbie so apologies if this is a stupid question. I want to use jumpstart pro to build out an app. It has a lot of what I need out of the box. What I am trying to figure out is wi...
Col replied

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