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Open Source Vlog - Rails Generators | GoRails - GoRails


Hey Chris, I just want to say thank you for these screencasts. I've learned a lot, and I'm a bit more confident in my rails development skills to actually apply for Jr. Positions. Your videos have helped solidify somethings I was shakey on, and helped me refine some things I could have done better but didn't know how to go about it.

Also thank you for this particular screencast. I'm actually in the middle of making my own generator for installing devise, and omniauth (facebook, twitter, and google...the usual) and I got hung up on a few things and this is helping me through them.

And lastly all of your screencasts convinced me to install macvim and give it a shot, I messed with it before but the whole jkl control thing scared me off haha.

You rock man!

I hope you can get a Jr Rails position soon! I should do a screencast on talking about how I got my first jobs as a developer.

HJKL in vim for movement scared me off but I actually just used the arrow keys for most of the first few months. That saves you a lot of trouble (and so does the Janus set of plugins).

I'm glad you've been enjoying everything!!

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