Chris Oliver


291,540 Experience
86 Lessons Completed
296 Questions Solved


Posted in How do I disable testing in Jumpstart pro?

Feel free to change any of the fixtures as needed. The tests are there to make sure the built-in functionality works as expected, but you'll need to adjust them as you build out your application.

Posted in How to use params.expect in Rails 8+ Discussion

Agreed! The only thing that feels a little weird is the nested arrays, but it works so much better!

Hmm, yeah then you've already done that. Strange, I'm not entirely sure.

Ah, that last line there.

Might have to run "bundle lock --add-platform x86_64-linux" in order to get the correct precompiled version of the gem for Linux.

I should have clarified, specifically the deployment logs. It should show tailwindcss compiling the file at some point.

With tailwindcss-rails v3 and tailwindcss-ruby v4, I see this when it runs assets:precompile

≈ tailwindcss v4.0.0-beta.8

Done in 150ms

One culprit here might be that tailwindcss-rails v3 now depends upon tailwindcss-ruby which lets you use multiple different versions of TailwindCSS with the rails integration. It will default to the latest version for tailwindcss-rails v3, but tailwindcss-rails v2 does not use tailwindcss-ruby and will specifically use TailwindCSS v3.

Pretty confusing, but that's likely where the issue stems from.

Interesting. Do the deploy logs show any errors from 3.1?

Did the assets:precompile step get run during deploy? That is what should compile the CSS file for production.

Posted in Frozen String Literals in Ruby 3.4 Discussion

This will be a great performance improvement when Ruby 4 drops, but until then keep using the frozen string literal magic comment at the top of your files!

These types of problems are fun to code golf because they can be implemented so many different ways. ⛳️🏌️‍♂️

Posted in Live Reloading with Hotwire Spark Discussion

I like the idea of morphing for live reloading. It makes for a very smooth experience. There is still lots to improve but I'm excited to have an official live reloading library for Hotwire.

Posted in ActiveMailer .with method

With params it's more consistent with Controllers, but also you don't have to assign instance variables like you're doing. You can use params[:user] right in your template.

def welcome_email
  mail(to: params[:user].email, subject: 'Welcome to My Awesome Site')
Hey <%= params[:user].first_name %>,

Make sure you have the builds folder included in the asset pipeline:

# app/assets/config/manifest.js
//= link_tree ../builds

Posted in Javascript not working in production

Hmm. Are you using import maps for these? How are you referencing the files?

Posted in Javascript not working in production

How are you deploying your app?

Posted in Populate dropdowns based on selection

Yeah, that's probably a naturally complex situatino with that many objects.

These days, I'd probably use and register callbacks so when one of the fields changes, you can hit the server to update the other fields as needed. Might have to be careful that doesn't trigger an infinite loop of updates though.

Posted in How To Use Importmaps With Rails Discussion

I know the Rails Foundation is working on updating all of the guides so I'm sure it's on their todo list!

Doesn't the browser usually store the preference for granted notification access?

You might be able to change it so it only calls requestPermission() if Notification.permission === "default"


Posted in How To Use Importmaps With Rails Discussion

Thanks Matias!

Yes, it will be prorated. 👍

Thanks for your support!

Posted in How To Use Importmaps With Rails Discussion

Are you using import maps yet?