Hotwire turbo stream update_or_[append/prepend] ?
Oh, I just realized that this was already solved in turbo, https://github.com/hotwired/turbo/pull/240
Miguel Michelson Martinez repliedLaw of Demeter - Question
Thanks that's very helpful I'll read it. Perhaps I'll go with the follow that seems to be inbetween the two? I'm going to think on your version and this one a little more. Try and work out the p...
David McDonald repliedMoving from STI to roles
List of Ruby Gems by Category on Go Rails
That's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks a lot!
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How can i get youtube_id form the embedded youtube video in rich text editor?
hello everyone, currently i'm working with rails fast json api. and i came into an issue which i need to response the youtube video which we embedded in the rich text editor to the client. i tried ...
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Thanks all! https://tutuappvip.co https://routingnumbers.onl
Rahul Paul repliedTranscode a video and move to a remote server
Auto-removing notices from a turbo_stream
Do you mean like a flash notice? you can do it as a ``` function myFunction() { setTimeout(function(){ alert("Hello"); }, 3000); } ```
Tabish Iqbal repliedDeliver Later not working
I am having the same problem. But in the rails server, it says 'deliver_now' even thought the code has it set to 'deliver_later'. And then, it doesn't even send the email. Were you able to get ...
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Hi there Nikodem, First, a tiny nitpick with your naming—what you're calling `ArticlesTag`, I would rename to `ArticleTag`. It's just one tag for one article. Now, to get all the tag names that'v...
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Where to get started?
Super old thread, but is the slack channel still a thing? I can't see a link in my profile page (paid member)
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Say I have a form that some default information on a request. Start date, end date, access level etc. I want to be able to browse for a csv of employees that contains one field for each row the emp...
spacerobotTR posted