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Hatchbox Postgres Problem

Houssein abil asked in Rails


I have my app running on Hatchbox. I link it with the app hosted on Github so anytime that I push something on my master branch, its deploy automatically. Yesterday I did some modification in one of .html.erb file (I just change h1 name from project to list of project). Since then all the deployments of my app failed and now the whole app is not running. I check the log and I see this error

PG::ConnectionBad (could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Postgresql is provided by Hatchbox so I don't know how to solve it. Any help please


You should use the Hatchbox support link instead of posting in the GoRails forum.

Sounds like Postgres isn't running. Hatchbox doesn't fully manage your Postgres server for you, but it will install it and start it up.

I checked out your server and Postgres crashed because your server ran out of memory. You may need to upgrade to the next server size.


Great thanks will use the Hatchbox support link to move further


I logged into your server and restart postgres and your deploy succeeded now. sudo systemctl restart postgresql will restart it over SSH.


I would like to understand, when you talk about my server running out of memory, which server are you talking about? (the one I choose from Digital Ocean or my plan on Hatchbox). If you want we close the discussion here and continue via Hatchbox Support link

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