Renew price for my subscription
So nice
ddokiajju replied • SolvedHow do I create an input field for a polymorphic association?
Which video...
Found it!!
Bruce Lulu replied • Solved/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/puma-5.6.5/lib/puma/launcher.rb:81:in `chdir': No such file or directory @ dir_s_chdir - /var/www/admin/ (Errno::ENOENT)
I have deploy my rails app to heroku my ruby version is 2.7.6
alihamza174 posted • SolvedHow do i use tom-select with stimulus and hotwire?
Thanks Ahmad! This helped me out a lot.
Archonic replied • SolvedI want to click on dynamically created HTML elements in stimulus js.
i'm done
Abdul Basit Khan replied • SolvedWould you like to use Rails to improve someone's mental health?
Active-storage creating/uploading folder
leochad82 replied • SolvedDevise: Separate pages for account update and password
Instead use `update_without_password(params)` I used `update` method, and in the line where I was validating password format I added a lambda to verify if password was nil: `validates :password, fo...
Fabiana Ramos replied • SolvedUser Profile with devise
Why is this image_tag not working?
I face a similar problem but I realized that I had previously stored data in the database without a file and it was generating that error. So I deleted the file and save a new record with an image ...
Aproplat replied • SolvedHow do I install Google tag manager in a rails 5 app?!
How do I configure GlobalID in a Rails app?
Of course, the moment I write this, I found the answer by reading the code in the railtie for the gem: ``` # application.rb, inside the main block: = 'wakka' ``` Hope this ...
Walter Davis replied • SolvedNested Comments in Rails Part 2, nested comments are showing in reverse order
First open source contribution to turbo-rails
Ahh thanks! That explains it 🙏
computer_smile replied • SolvedStimulus not autoloading controllers
How do I resolve Rails routing error: No route matches [GET] "/pages_about_path"?
How to solve a status 308 with Action Mailbox?
It was because I was using http instead of https in my Sendgrid's url
Helena replied • Solved