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Would you like to use Rails to improve someone's mental health?


Hey all,

I’m a product owner for a mental health NPO, HeartSupport. I have a team of 3 volunteer RoR devs that have built an MVP for a product that will scale mental health support across the internet. I’m recruiting capable RoR devs to contribute 4-8 hours per week for a 6-week cycle from 9/1 to 10/15.

---> Apply for the team here: <---

If you’d like to get a taste for what we’re building, you can text “heartsupport” to 512-647-2871 to try it out yourself. Please email me with any questions:

💪 This is awesome Nate! This is a great opportunity if anyone's interested in getting a bit of experience working with a team.

Thanks so much, Chris! It's been a great experience for a lot of our devs. We're retaining 5/6 of our developers from one cycle to the next, so it seems to be worthwhile! We're learning a lot and getting the chance to impact people in the process. In the words of my coworker, "Doesn't suck!"

Thank you all so much for the permission to post. We received two highly qualified developers who have chosen to volunteer their time to this project! Very excited for the progress we'll get to make over the next six weeks.

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