How to build a complete, real-world application from scratch with Ruby on Rails step by step.
A lot of Ruby code is "magic". We'll explain the magic and see how it works using the powerful tools Ruby gives us.
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In this video, we will explore how the concepts we looked at in "Flattening Scopes in Ruby" are used in Rails by taking a look at the assert_difference method. We will walk through how the method works while taking note of where the concepts are applied.
Learn how to execute Ruby Scripts and interactively run Ruby code in IRB
Learn how Strings work in Ruby
Learn how to use Integers and Floats in your Ruby code
Conditionals allow your code to take different paths. Learn how to use conditionals like if statements in your Ruby code
A method or function is a way to define a group of code that can be used repeatedly. We'll learn how to define methods in our Ruby code and then use them multiple times.
So far, our project has been a single line of operation. We can refactor this to use methods to reuse code in various ways.
We're going to build a Blog with Ruby on Rails so let's start by making sure we have everything installed and create our new Rails app
Now that we've created a new Rails app, let's take a look at the files generated and learn what they do
The first thing we need is a database table to store our blog posts. We create a Rails model (the M in MVC) to create the database and a Ruby class for us to interact with the database table.
An index page allows us to display all the blog posts in our database. We will learn how to setup routes that point to controllers and actions that render HTML.
We need a way to view individual Blog Posts on their own URLs now. That's where our Show action comes into play and we will learn how to build that in this lesson.
We now want to create new Blog Posts in our Rails app, not directly in the database. To do this, we're going to start by building a new action and form for inputting data for our Rails model.
Handling form submissions with Rails teaches us about strong parameters and saving data with our Rails models into the database.
Implementing Edit and Update actions are straightforward now. We can reuse what we've learned with New and Create and reuse some of the logic to edit and update database records in Rails.
We want to be able to delete blog posts we no longer want. We'll learn how to delete blog posts and refactor our code in this lesson.
Anyone can create, edit, or delete a blog post in our Rails app currently. In this lesson, we'll add authentication so only allowed users can do those actions.
Our blog doesn't look great. We're going to install TailwindCSS so we can easily style our Rails application however we want.
Next we're going to deploy our Rails blog application to production! This is a huge step, but also
Scheduling blog posts to be published in the future is the next feature we're going to add. In this lesson, we'll talk about several options we have to implement this and then choose one to build.
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