How to use the MQTT Protocol with Ruby Discussion

How would you compare this to Kafka?
Talha Shoaib posted

Deploying Tailwind to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

I was wondering if anyone has experience of deploying A Rails 6 app with Tailwind to AWS Elasticbeanstalk. I have tried a dozen times now however the build keeps failing. I am getting the followi...

Could we get a video on passing Devise current_user (or general user roles) into a Turbo partial?

Hi Chris, I was just wondering if there is any possibility of getting a video or some tips on including Devise current_user data or user roles inside a turbo stream - specifically to show/hide edi...

Knowing you're probably preparing some episodes on Hotwire, here are some questions

* how do you install it with Rails 6.1 and most common use case (webpack setup) * is Turbo a drop-in replacement for Turbolinks? * what would it take to replace Turbolinks with Turbo in existing (6...

Can I setup Rail app to the managed DigitalOcean Server

I am looking to setup the Go rail app to the [managed DigitalOcean server]( which consist of: Ram: 1GB Processor: 1Core Basic Storage: 2...
EstherLewis posted

Realtime Charts with Stimulus Target Callbacks Discussion

Hi! You tend to have an episode topic when I need it :-) Great job, thank you! R.

Integrations an Embedded iPaas

Gems / Libraries
I want to reach out and see if anyone has any recommendations for an embedded iPaaS. How have you implemented integrations in your app? We've been looking at,, and embedded Zapie...
Mike Menne posted

Converting a regular coordinate system to the dimensions of an Android View

I am trying to convert a regular coordinate system to a default android view After understanding the android view coordinates came to know that the gesture value of the coordinate is (0,0) at the ...

Recurring Select with ice Cube Between Two Dates

Following along with recurring select/ice cube video, I have everything up and running with Rails 7. The only issue I have is that when someone creates an event they set a start\_date and an end\_d...
spacerobotTR posted

Using Docker with Rails on M1 Mac

I have an M1 Mac and I always get errors for either sprocket-rails or nokogiri. I am using Ruby 3 and Rails 7. Is anyone using Docker with an M1 Mac and Ruby 3/Rails 7 with success? If so, could yo...

Hatchbox: teams

Hello, what are your plans for developing Teams feature on Hatchbox? Currently I can invite someone by giving them status "admin", "member" or no status at all. The problem is, any invited person h...

Using Rails ActiveStorage causes Integrity Error when trying to analyse

I have a lot of files already on Backblaze B2 (S3 compatible) that I wish to use with ActiveStorage. The problem is, the majority of my sites data gets populated and updated by wiping it all out an...
namanh-dot replied

Custom ActionText Sanitizer & Scrubber in Rails Discussion


How do i create a QR code lead authentication strategy

Hi all, please visit the popular challenger bank for an example. Their auth strategy is to present the user with a QR code that changes every 30 seconds (I'm sure this i...
Dearg OBartuin posted

How to Upload Files Directly To S3 Using Paperclip And Dropzone.js

[How to Upload Files Directly To S3 Using Paperclip And Dropzone.js](

Madmin: How to handle slugs vs IDs

I've set up Madmin, and I'm trying to go to the (blog) Article model edit page. Problem is Article's "to_param" is the :slug. Madmin by default looks for model's IDs: How can I tell it to look for...
Jules Maregiano posted

Can anyone recommend an online SQL course that would benefit a Rails dev?

I'm looking to build on my very limited SQL knowledge and do an online course. A lot of course have an emphasis on certain topics, like data analysis or MySQL, for example. I'm using mostly SQLite ...

How can I convert this code to raw SQL and use in rails?

How can I convert this code to raw sql and use in rails? Because When I deploy this code in Heroku, there is a request timeout error. I think this will be faster if I use raw sql. @payments = Paym...
William Kennedy replied

Looking for an alternative to cloud 9 - production server will run on digital ocean

I have been using cloud 9 and an IDE but was wondering if anyone is running an IDE on Digital Ocean

How do I create a filterer with checkboxs that dynamically search for results?

Hey everyone, I am attempting to build a checkbox filter with Rails 7. I would like to render a list of businesses on a page and have a side panel with a bunch of checkboxes. This side panel woul...
jackjohnsonpo replied

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