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Hey Gerald, sorry about that video overlap issue. A few other folks made us aware of it and if we still have access to the raw video files we are going to try to fix that and publish the updated version. Our apologies again.

Posted in Arrays in Ruby Discussion

Yes! I love that one! :)

My above reply was before I saw your update posted. Glad you got it working though! I’m also still curious as to what the issue was and if it’ll be an ongoing one for you.

Gotcha. I’m happy to hop on a video call and work through it with you if you have the time today. If so, find me in the GoRails Discord, send me a DM and we can set something up.

Usually this means you do not have the html.erb file needed. So perhaps either you don’t have it or it is in the wrong location in the file structure. It should be located here:

Posted in Conditionals in Ruby Discussion

Basic is the idea here 😅 but you're probably also correct in your knowledge self-assessment, Daniel. That's great if that is the case!

Posted in Ruby Scripts & IRB Discussion

Eric! Good to see you here bud! Yeah, I purposefully didn’t cover the install step here in the hopes that we can unify on a solution for installation that we can easily keep up to date internally. The link you shared is solid for now so thank you for linking to it!

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

Hey Michael, I'm in the middle of moving at the moment and my new place won't be ready for a little while so I am not able to properly record any videos at the moment. But once I get set back up I can work on the follow up for delete. Unfortunately I don't have any solid estimate of when I will be able to get fully into the new place.

Posted in Environment Variables Discussion

Great stuff!

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

Hey Aaron, in the video I just used Time.now.to_i initially to show that the fields need a unique value. Yes, re-rendering the fields when validation fails using the Time.now.to_i will cause the fields to all have the same value. It is a problem, but one with a simple fix which is to call task.object_id instead of Time.now.to_i in the app/views/projects/_task.html.erb partial.

Posted in Your First Ruby Gem Part 2 Discussion

Hey Terry - Thanks for the kind words here! And yes, that is a great idea, thank you for sharing that one!

Posted in Modular Code Organization Discussion

Thanks a bunch, Mateus!

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

I agree, I'll have to make a short follow up video for that one. Thanks!

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

First of all, welcome to the Ruby community! I'm super glad to hear that the explanations are helpful for your understanding! Thank you!

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

Hey Carl - That's a great idea! Thank you

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

Hey Muhammad,
Sorry that you feel the video is lengthy. At the moment, I do not plan to do a written version and I also don't know that it would be fair to folks that learn better from video to do such a quick video.

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

Thanks! Glad that you enjoyed it!

Posted in Building Utilities with Ruby Scripts Discussion

Glad to hear that you enjoyed the video! Yeah, I wanted to stay more focused on the overall theme of building utilities so I didn't dive into the regex much, also because it is specific somewhat to my machine. Maybe we could do a little series or a something on Regular Expressions in the future. :)

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

Thanks! And thanks also for letting us know that you would enjoy more around these topics!

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

Thank you for the kind words and the feedback! To follow up, initially, the "task_field" endpoint does not automatically return a turbo-stream. In the second implementation when we use the RequestJS package to set a { responseKind: "turbo-stream" } on the request that the Stimulus controller makes, that's what triggers the endpoint to respond with a turbo-stream. Then when we remove the Stimulus controller and solely use Turbo, we set a data: { turbo_stream: true } on the link_to helper, that will also cause the endpoint to respond with a turbo-stream. Although the endpoint is empty during these two implementations, by default if a request comes in that wants a turbo-stream the endpoint can either list out how to respond to a turbo-stream request in the action or by convention look for a matching named turbo-stream view i.e. "app/views/projects/task_field.turbo-stream.erb". This is much like the convention of how a given action, let's say an index action of a Post controller, would look for a view at "app/views/posts/index.html.erb" by default unless instructed otherwise.
Hope this helps clarify that for you!