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Classes & Objects in Ruby Discussion


Hey Collin,
Thanks for this great video.
Looking forward to the video on modules.

Thanks a bunch, Muhammad! I'm hoping to get the module video out in the very near future.

Thanks for the videos and waiting for the next one

Thank you Collin! This was a fun review video! : )

Hey Collin, you mention the next video being on modules. Where are we able to find that video? Additionally, what series should we move onto once this one (i.e., Ruby for Beginners) is completed?

Hey Alex! I'll try to get that modules video out this week. From here, I would say if you don't feel comfortable with SQL I would say to go the that series in the learning path next. If you are comfortable in SQL, then you should be able to move into the Rails series in the learning path and start working through the projects.

Amazing! Sounds great, Collin. I’ll move ahead to those series and check back in when the Module video is available. Appreciate your response and the time you take to put these videos together—thank you.

Hey Collin!

My question may be somewhat plain and stupid, but what are your extensions (or what you would recommend for learning path) and theme for VS Code for today?
Sorry if it looks dumb.

Many thanks in advance!

Thanks for your videos, Collin!

Thank you, Homero! Thanks for watching them!

Thanks so much Collin! Great series!

Thanks, Jacob! Glad you're enjoying it.

Hi. I'm not a new programmer so I've been jumping around videos just extracting the info I need. Probably I've missed it but would you mind telling me in what video are symbol discussed? Thanks

Great explanation, couldn't be better!

Thanks Collin! Several years ago I built my own APIs using Recently, I got introduced to Ruby on Rails and regret not starting sooner - so much easier. This course gave me the Ruby basics in a straight-forward manner and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone interested in wanting to get started with Ruby. I'll be using this to assist me as I work with Ruby on Rails. My wife and I went on a walk last night and I described to her how I built Blue and Purple houses using this course. LOL, I'm hooked.

lol imagine if creating 10 houses was this fast in real life :'(

Small thing with the tutorial, Was never shown how the variable class @@count is augmented by 1 when House class is instantiated

Joaquin Melogno - If you watch from timestamp 34:14 to 34:30 I do explain how that happens.

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