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Posted in Rails 7.2 Console Prompt Discussion

Thanks! Glad you found it interesting. The follow-up episode for this, which comes out next week, where we explore how the code goes from bin/rails console to here should also prove to be interesting ;)

Posted in Today I Learned!

Today I learned that you can view the source code of a method that is available in the current context using the show_source command when in a call to binding.irb. To try it out put a binding.irb in an instance method for example. Create an object that responds to that message in your Rails console, call the method, and once you hit the binding.irb you can see what methods are available in the current context with the ls command. Find one that interests you and view the source by calling show_source foo (foo being the name of the method you want to view the source of) and you can quickly view the source code of that method.

Posted in SQL Learning Path - Having Statements Discussion

Hey Avery! This comment made my day. I’m super glad to hear that you’re finding it useful! 😀

Posted in HTML Learning Path - Image Element Discussion

While that is true, we don't use those in this video. You can see the height and width (100x100) displayed in the browser when the element is hovered in the html markup in the dev tools.

Posted in Dynamic Nested Forms with Turbo Discussion

Hey Sean! Glad to hear that you found this lesson helpful. Also, thanks a bunch for sharing your tip about doing this with has_one relationships! I'm sure that will come in handy for folks.

Hey Jon, are you still having this issue?

Sounds like an issue with the JavaScript. I would double check everything there against what is in the video very closely. It's probably a minor discrepancy somewhere.

Posted in Classes & Objects in Ruby Discussion

Thanks, Jacob! Glad you're enjoying it.

Posted in Conditionals in Ruby Discussion

Hey Jessica! Thank you so much for the extremely kind words regarding this lesson! Your comment made my day and I'm very happy to hear that showing things in the context of an actual project really made it click for you. As we add more lessons to this path, I will keep this in mind and try to continue showing and exploring concepts in this way.

Posted in Adding a New Blog Post Action Discussion

undefined methodblog_posts_path' for an instance of...

What was the rest of this error? The part after where you ended the message could be the piece that helps solve this error.

Posted in HTML Learning Path - Text Elements Discussion

Hmmm good question, I think it was light+ or light modern. I no longer use that theme (using solarized light now) so I'm not exactly sure.

Posted in Ruby Scripts & IRB Discussion

Thanks Tahir! Again my apologies for the export on this video. I will make sure this doesn't happen going forward.

Posted in Integers & Floats in Ruby Discussion

Thanks a bunch, Tahir for the kind words! Sorry about the resolution though! I think these were early on videos for me and perhaps I didn't export as best as I could have done. I will make sure that is not the case going forward.

Posted in Classes & Objects in Ruby Discussion

Thank you, Homero! Thanks for watching them!

Hey Michael! Thanks for reading the article. I agree about it being great to be able to get a peak into the thought process of others especially, like you said, when they line up with your own :)

You can have a blog_posts layout however, the structure that you probably want here is the following:
app > views > blog_posts > index.html.erb

This made my day to hear. Thanks, Mitch! I'm super glad you learned a bunch and hope you enjoy part 2!!!

Thanks, Gary! I appreciate the kind words about the lessons!

Hey Gary, initially I was going to hook into the get fetch step and provide an interface there to provide an option of how to proceed based on the fetch but for this initial pass at building this out a single git pull would have probably been a good call and then build out from there. Thanks for the question! Always nice to get another perspective and reflect back on decisions :)

Posted in Conditionals in Ruby Discussion

I would also recommend the Ruby LSP from Shopify if you're going to be using VSCode. They are putting a lot of work into that and it seems that that work is only going to continue and the extension become better and better.