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SQL Learning Path - Having Statements Discussion


I have a question about replacing store_id with if we add JOIN to the query (4:50 for example). Would it be valid replacement if there are multiple stores with the same name but obviously with different ids? Can we replace store_id with instead? Thanks

Hey Collin, just want to say thanks for this resource. Learning a ton 💪

Hey Avery! This comment made my day. I’m super glad to hear that you’re finding it useful! 😀

Collin, terrific course. I used it as a refresher and found it thorough, detailed, and frankly, fun. Appreciate your hard work. These videos take a long time to plan out. A++. Thank you.
I'll be using this as part of my Ruby on Rails training as I will be making use of the built-in API functions that interact with the Postgres database.

Hi, the products table only had one product with a discount above 20% but the query returned 3 as the count? Is it that the query is not specifically looking for those rows with a discount above 20%. It just returns the count of all products?

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