Alex H.


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84 Lessons Completed
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Is Sucker Punch necessary with Rails 8 now that Hotwire is integrated? I deployed my app to and the background job is working without the added configuration suggested in this video.

I'm running Rails 8 and the respond_to links controller portion of the code is not needed for the immediate update on the frontend from the metadata job—link.broadcast_replace_to(link) works without any additional configuration. Does this have something to do with Hotwire or something specific in Rails 8?

Additionally, the clearing of the form field is also automatically cleared once a link is save. Is this also a newly baked in feature of Hotwire?

Posted in Password Sharing Roles & Permissions Discussion

I understand the comments below regarding the frustration as a result of the refactoring process in this video because I do think it hinders the learning experience, especially on a video that is part of the beginner course. On the flip side, though, it's also nice to see the flow of consciousness process one might experience while programming.

In case this might help anyone, I had to add both the 'http' and https' version of the Render URL to the CORS configuration for it to function properly.

Posted in Rich Text Blog Posts with ActionText Discussion

In case this happens to anyone else, I discovered the issue. For some reason the actiontext.css file was categorized as an "Untracked file" per git. I had to manually add the file to stage for commit (i.e., git add <file>). Additionally, it looks like additional Action Text and Action Storage files were all categorized as untracked (e.g., db migrations). These needed to be manually staged as well to ensure Action Text works.

Posted in Rich Text Blog Posts with ActionText Discussion

When uploading to Render I receive the error of "ActionView::Template::Error (The asset "actiontext.css" is not present in the asset pipeline." Note: It works in the development environment.

Posted in Classes & Objects in Ruby Discussion

Amazing! Sounds great, Collin. I’ll move ahead to those series and check back in when the Module video is available. Appreciate your response and the time you take to put these videos together—thank you.

Posted in Classes & Objects in Ruby Discussion

Hey Collin, you mention the next video being on modules. Where are we able to find that video? Additionally, what series should we move onto once this one (i.e., Ruby for Beginners) is completed?