Chris Oliver


292,760 Experience
93 Lessons Completed
296 Questions Solved


Hey Afolabi,

It should be as simple as using SQLs group and sum functionality. For example:

Order.where("created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", 1.month.ago,
{"CAD"=>82, "NGN"=>20, "USD"=>143, "YEN"=>40}

Order.where("created_at BETWEEN ? AND ?", 1.month.ago,
{"CAD"=>"23", "NGN"=>"40", "USD"=>"60", "YEN"=>"30"}

Posted in integrating stimulus with ruby on rails


It creates an example controller in there when you install stimulus with webpacker. rails webpacker:install:stimulus

Posted in Grant all privileges problem

I think maybe you're mixing commands. When you create user, you specify the password. When you grant privileges, I don't think you want the "IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD" part.

Here's a good little blog post that explains more about it.

Posted in Error Tracking with Errbit Discussion

A) Yep, I use it for all my error handling. Deployed it with Hatchbox and it's on its own server. You'll just need to read up on all the ENV Vars you need to set.

B) Hmm, it's definitely not in Rails. Must have been something else we were talking about.

Great! Glad you got it working. 🙌

Posted in Integrating Braintree (and PayPal) Discussion

Usually there are 3 or 4 automatic retries on the card, and then the subscription is automatically cancelled. You'll get a webhook from Braintree for the cancellation so you can update mark the user as cancelled in your app.

Posted in Change Layout based on current URL

As a really trivial example, you can do what they mentioned on StackOverflow here:

  layout :domain_layout

    def domain_layout

Which would look for app/views/layouts/, etc.

You can do other tweaks to that to decide which file to render.

Still made a GET request, so you know that your Rails UJS Javascript is broken if it's not making a DELETE request.

No route matches [GET] "/projects/1/delete_upload/2"

You made a GET request to the url, but your routes define a DELETE route.

You must add method: :delete to your link.

Posted in Setup MacOS 10.14 Mojave Discussion

Hey Ted,

If you upgraded, you probably need to uninstall the gem and reinstall it so that it compiles with the new Mojave libraries.

If you have trouble installing it from scratch, see this thread:

Posted in Doorkeeper Omniauth OAuth Client Discussion

Filter chain halted as :doorkeeper_authorize! rendered or redirected

That means that your API key was not passed over or not valid.

This would be slightly slower, but what if instead of opening the modal on page load, you make an AJAX request to retrieve the value of @show_modal, and then depending on the response, you open the modal?

That way you're not trying dealing with any cache related things at all.

Try adding some JS to hide the modal on the turbolinks:before-cache event so it doesn't ever get saved when open.

Yeah, and I recommend using cookie auth for in-browser API authentication. You might as well take full advantage of the browser's security if you've got it.

Posted in Doorkeeper Omniauth OAuth Client Discussion

Correct, I did exactly as I said in the video at that timestamp:

All I did was run the Rails scaffold generator for Tweet rails g scaffold Tweet user:references body:text

Added Api::V1::TweetsController, with doorkeeper authentication and had it render the same views. As seen here:

You say you "created all of the files manually" but it says that the Tweet class is uninitialized. You either didn't create the Tweet model or you have something like Spring caching that hasn't reloaded it.

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Discussion

Something I'll probably add a some point soon now that Puma ships with Rails by default.

Puma is great too, but this tutorial is intended for beginners and Puma requires you to setup, run, manage, and monitor a separate process on the server independent of NGINX. It's just a lot less beginner friendly in production so that's why Passenger is the default. It's much easier to get up and running to learn the ropes and once you've done it successfully you can swap over to Puma if you like.

Posted in Switching from Sqlite3 to MySql or Postgresql and how

Hey Sebastian,

If you're using sqlite3 in production, you'd need to make sure the database file is stored in a shared directory and symlinked every deploy. You can do that pretty easily by adding to the symlink stuff in Capistrano.

Every deploy creates a new folder with your code in it, so you need to link the database to each one so they share it. This setup allows you to rollback deployments to previous releases if there is a problem.

MySQL or Postgres is definitely recommended for production though. They're designed for performance and having many users read and write to the database quickly. Sqlite is a file on disk so it is significantly slower and not something you'd want to run in production.

Event sourcing seems to be sort of similar to logidze, audited, and paper trail. Is that correct? Basically trying to record changes to a record?

Posted in Custom Validations Issue

Ah yes, that would break it too!

A small refactoring would be:

class UserValidator < ActiveModel::Validator
  def validate(record)
      site_users = { |su| su.marked_for_destruction? == false }

    if site_users.count < 1
      record.errors.add(:site, "must have at least one site available")

    if != 1
      record.errors.add(:site, "must have exactly one site selected as default")

Posted in Deploy Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Discussion

Hey Daniel,

Looks like there's just a temporary issue with Passenger's package as of last night. They're fixing it but here's a workaround:

We ran into the same thing on Hatchbox and the workaround fixes it.