Update Devise Migration File and Run rails db:migrate - Nothing Happens.
Hey everyone,
Quick question (I hope). I have an application with Devise's out-of-the-box initial set-up. Later, I realized I wanted to include the Trackable functionality so I included it in my model, and uncommented out the Trackable section in the migration file. When I run rails db:migrate
nothing happens.
Is this not an acceptable way to do this? Should I run a separate migartion to add the columns I need?
Thanks of the help!
Absolutely unacceptable Nick.
🤣 Just teasing!
If you edit the migration, you'd have to do a rollback to undo that migration and then re-run it. Obviously that'd blow away a bunch of data, so to add trackable at a later time you'll want to just create a new migration to add those columns separately.