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Integrating Braintree (and PayPal) Discussion


Chris, I would be interested in the cancellation and modification of cards setup if you have time. Thanks!

You got it Josh! I just added Braintree to the GoRails checkout process so I can make a screencast showing those steps for you as well.

Hi Chris, How can I show a booking summary after the form selection and then the option to pay using braintree new card or an existing card?

You can definitely do that. What I would do is store the card on the user account after they pay the first time, and then the second time put in the existing card above the form and use JS to hide the Braintree form. This will let you use their existing card or toggle the Braintree form to use a different one.

I'd like to see the subscription cancel and update card functionality and also display billing/subscription info to the user. Hope you'll make a new complete course for Rails Braintree just like the the course you did for the Rails Stripe.


This is my first time implementing braintree and just curious, if a customer is coming up on their second billing cycle and their credit card on file declines will that customer account being inactive or as I should say would the user braintree_subscription_id delete from the system?

Usually there are 3 or 4 automatic retries on the card, and then the subscription is automatically cancelled. You'll get a webhook from Braintree for the cancellation so you can update mark the user as cancelled in your app.

Hi Chris,

I noticed that you have PayPal + Stripe on Go Rails, right? I am looking to also add just PayPal as we already have Stripe. Is it possible to request a quick episode on how to integrate just PayPal (single payment and subscription)? :) Thank you!

I have a problem: My payment_method_nonce is not appearing in my params. Indeed it ist not there?
On another Page the same cofiguration works fine. Dont know how can i fix this. Any suggestions?

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