Hi Chris,
I noticed that you have PayPal + Stripe on Go Rails, right? I am looking to also add just PayPal as we already have Stripe. Is it possible to request a quick episode on how to integrate just PayPal (single payment and subscription)? :) Thank you!
Hi Chris,
Is it still React Native? What do you think about Flutter for connecting to Rails web app?
What should I do if I want some channel work with current_user and some channels work with Unauthenticated user (just visitors)? How do I modify channels/application_cable/connection.rb or channels/some_channel.rb ?
Is it possible?
Thank you very much!
Posted in GoRails Design
Wow, I did not know they have such a good ones! Thank you for your answer!
Posted in GoRails Design
I like very much the design of GoRails! Great job!
Chris, did you use some template? What technologies did you use to get such a result?
Thank you!
Best regards, Anton