Tolase Kelvin Adegbite


1,090 Experience
1 Lesson Completed
1 Question Solved


Posted in Setup Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Discussion

Ran through some errors while setting up my new machine but was able to scape through

Hello there! I implemented likes to my app using this tutorial I went a little bit different route though. I have PollItem < Poll. Poll has_many :poll_items and only poll_items can be liked.

How do I check if a poll item has been liked within the polls model so that only one of it can be liked.. The plan is to hide the like button once the check is true.

Posted in TypeError: $(...).chosen is not a function

@chris OliverOliverOliverOliverOliverOliveOliverOlive

I'm glad for this pro template . Does it come with your threaded comments?

Posted in Can someone please do me a big favor?

Thank you Chris! Will work on that.

Posted in Can someone please do me a big favor?

Hi Guys! I don't know if this is right or wrong for posting this here. If wrong, you can please notify me and i'll delete this off.

I'm a big fan or Chris and GoRails because of the really nice tutorials and the effort of this community. I used to be a subscriber but offlate I've been so short of cash. If anyone could subscribe for me I'll really appreciate, thanks!

Posted in What are your goals for 2018?

  • Finish up my stories/series app i'm currently building (which am having issues with)
  • More commitment to my dear workout
  • Continue my Education.

Merry Xmas!

Please check this out...

BTW: I;m having issues with setting up in-app notifications

Posted in I'm having issues with in-app notifications on my App

Thanks for your response man. I did... something like this:

json.url genre_story_episode_path(@genre, @story,, anchor: dom_id(notification.notifiable))

Posted in I'm having issues with in-app notifications on my App

Hello! Can someone please enlighten me on how to create notifications (In-app) for this type of routes
I want to display notifications when comments are made on episodes. This worked well when i did for genres and stories.

resources :genres do 
    resources :stories do
        resources :episodes do
            resources :comments

I actually want notifications for comments. Whwn i tried out the In-App notification tutorial on this website, i got an error undefined route "episode_path" in the** index.html.jbuilder file**, and i think i am not setting the notification URL well.
Help a friend.

Hi people! I'm trying to implement this to an app am building (I want to create the notifications for comments where the comment belongs to episode and episode belongs to story and genre)... When i checked out Notification.all in my console it outputted it but when i navigated to http://localhost:3000/notifications.json i got an error telling me that "undefined method `episode_path' for #<#class:0x157f1538:0x15149e68>"

Here is my index.json.jbuilder

json.array! @notifications do |notification|
    # json.recipient notification.recipient
    json.action notification.action
    json.notifiable do #notification.notifiable
        json.type "a #{notification.notifiable.class.to_s.underscore.humanize.downcase}"
    json.url episode_path(notification.notifiable.episode, anchor: dom_id(notification.notifiable))

Thank You

Posted in In-App Navbar Notifications Discussion

Thanks for this course Chris. I'm trying to implement this to an app am building (I want to create the notifications for comments where the comment belongs to episode and episode belongs to story and genre)... When i checked out Notification.all in my console it outputted it but when i navigated to http://localhost:3000/notifications.json i got an error telling me that "undefined method `episode_path' for #<#<class:0x157f1538>:0x15149e68>"

Here is my index.json.jbuilder

Posted in Global Autocomplete Search Discussion

I got it... I had to restart the server. sorry for disturbing the conversation.

Posted in Global Autocomplete Search Discussion

Hi everyone! please i get this error "undefined method `ransack' for #<class:0x1135dad8>".

Posted in How can I integrate Amazon Native Ads

Try and google for some answer bro..