"Undefined method error" while trying to implement In-App Notification.
Hi people! I'm trying to implement this to an app am building (I want to create the notifications for comments where the comment belongs to episode and episode belongs to story and genre)... When i checked out Notification.all in my console it outputted it but when i navigated to http://localhost:3000/notifications.json i got an error telling me that "undefined method `episode_path' for #<#class:0x157f1538:0x15149e68>"
Here is my index.json.jbuilder
json.array! @notifications do |notification|
json.id notification.id
# json.recipient notification.recipient
json.actor notification.actor.user_name
json.action notification.action
json.notifiable do #notification.notifiable
json.type "a #{notification.notifiable.class.to_s.underscore.humanize.downcase}"
json.url episode_path(notification.notifiable.episode, anchor: dom_id(notification.notifiable))
Thank You