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What are your goals for 2018?

Alan Reid asked in General

Hello all,
Last year I posted a similar post, and it was really popular. So first off how many of your goals did you complete? Here's the previous post as a reminder of what you may have posted.

So let me start the thread off...

Well 2017 was a crazy and busy year for me, other than beign a dad to my 3yo son (going on 18) I changed jobs twice and am now happily working to improve the fintech industry at Bud. Bud is a cool little app (Web, iOS and soon Android) which aggregates all your finacial products, some exciting times and busy ones to come!

So i got my Pi's all up and running, but never actually used them to host anything. So this will once again be a goal for 2018.

Other things i want to achive

  • Better understandig of VueJS, and Node.
  • Rebuilt my personal site, and contribute articles to medium again - maybe a development post a week.
  • Finish off my Pi project (one day, haha) and host a project.
  • Contuning to improve my development skills, and get back into rails on my side projects.
  • Get back into contributing to GoRails, i havent done enough during 2017 so want to get more involved int he community here.

So ladies and gentlemen, what are your goals for 2018?

Don't forget to have an amazing Christmas, and a Happy Ner Year!


Hey Alan! Glad you started this again. I love doing these.

2017 was really good. I launched and having my second product up and running has been fantastic experience.

For 2018, my goals are:

  1. Launch a 3rd product to help small businesses get started (I'll be announcing this soon!)
  2. Grow GoRails &
  3. I want to explore Crystal Lang a lot more and see about building a new web framework with it

Hatchbox is an amzing platform! Crystal sounds interesting, i may take a peek at that too.

Post like these are great, and they allow you to see if you managed to hit your goals for the previous year too :) I didn't haha


Yes I guess it is that time of year for making list!

I'm new to the GoRails community so will use this as a way to start getting involved.

  • Continue to develop my site In particular finish the coffee roasts user rating and library.
  • Build a blog site for my mate Steve to write about his love for gin!
  • Start learning some Data Science techniques and practices.
  • And write more!

Happy New Year!

  • Finish up my stories/series app i'm currently building (which am having issues with)
  • More commitment to my dear workout
  • Continue my Education.

Merry Xmas!

Please check this out...

BTW: I;m having issues with setting up in-app notifications


Goals for 2018:

  • visit and watch episodes in my spare time
  • build out my hobby project (comparison website)
  • get a better understanding of the basics
  • a minimum of 1000 hours of dev time.
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