CSV Import
My question is about this Episode: https://gorails.com/episodes/upload-csv-form
The CSV Import works fine (I'm using the exact same code actually).
My 1. Question - How can I define an alias for my rows?
This is the code:
def self.assign_from_row(row)
order = Order.where(token: row[:token]).first_or_initialize
order.assign_attributes row.to_hash.slice(:token, :order_id, :customer_id)
How would you implement aliases for token (utm_campaign) order_id (ordernumber) and customer_id (customer)? It's annoying to change the row names each time.
My 2. Question - Accept Semicolons as a Divider
In Germany it is common to use a ";" as a divider inside a .csv. US Standard is a comma. What should be edited so both is possible?
Many Thanks in Advance!
- You'll probably need to modify that hash of attributes from the row. For example, you could transform it this way:
# Accept all fields you could ever want
attrs = row.to_hash.slice(:token, :order_id, :customer_id, :utm_campaign, :ordernumber, :customer)
# Set aliases
token: attrs.delete(:utm_campaign),
order_id: attrs.delete(:ordernumber),
customer_id: attrs.delete(:customer)
- The
option is what's used to define the column separators. You can addcol_sep: ";"
into your CSV parser section and that should do it. Some more info here on options: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0.0/libdoc/csv/rdoc/CSV.html
Great. Thank you for your detailed answer! I Just saw, that "order_id" actually is named "reference code" with a space. How do I need to write it :ReferenceCode, or :reference_code ?
You'll actually want to just make sure it matches the column name I think. You can print out the row hash to the console to see exactly what you'll need for that.