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404 Not Found after deploy to Ubuntu server


I followed the tutorial on this site and deploy my rail app on the newly setup ubuntu server.

the rails app is successfully run on heroku, so it must some configuration on my nginx server.

below are the setting on /etc/nginx/site-enabled/default:

server {
        listen 80 default_server;
        listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;
        server_name; #dummy domain I setup on my mac /private/etc/hosts
        passenger_enabled on;
        rails_env    production;
        root         /home/jk/eyideaIS/public;
        redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
        error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
            root   html;

settings on config/deploy.rb

# config valid only for Capistrano 3.1
lock '3.1.0'

set :application, 'etsydemo'
set :repo_url, ''

set :deploy_to, '/home/jk/etsydemo'

set :linked_files, %w{config/database.yml}
set :linked_dirs, %w{bin log tmp/pids tmp/cache tmp/sockets vendor/bundle public/system}

namespace :deploy do

desc 'Restart application'
task :restart do
   on roles(:app), in: :sequence, wait: 5 do
   execute :touch, release_path.join('tmp/restart.txt')

  after :publishing, 'deploy:restart'
  after :finishing, 'deploy:cleanup'

settings on config/deploy/production.rb are:

 set :stage, :production
 # Replace with your server's IP address!
 server '', user: 'jk', roles: %w{web app}

What did I do wrong? Can someone please point it out?

Finally, how to cretate /tmp/restart.txt for passenger?. Is the tutorial using different version of rails? It seem the file structure is different than rails 4.1.8. My rails app does not have myapp/current/tmp/restart.txt,how to create one?

The file structure is

|-- app
| |-- assets
| | |-- images
| | | -- default.png
| | |-- javascripts
| | | |-- application.js
| | | |--
| | |
| | -- stylesheets
| | |-- application.css
| | |-- custom.css.scss
| | |-- listings.css.scss
| |
-- pages.css.scss
| |-- controllers
| | |-- application_controller.rb
| | |-- concerns
| | |-- listings_controller.rb
| | -- pages_controller.rb
| |-- helpers
| | |-- application_helper.rb
| | |-- listings_helper.rb
| |
-- pages_helper.rb
| |-- mailers
| |-- models
| | |-- concerns
| | -- listing.rb
-- views
| |-- layouts
| | |-- application.html.erb
| | |-- _footer.html.erb
| | -- _header.html.erb
| |-- listings
| | |-- edit.html.erb
| | |-- _form.html.erb
| | |-- index.html.erb
| | |-- index.json.jbuilder
| | |-- new.html.erb
| | |-- show.html.erb
| |
-- show.json.jbuilder
| -- pages
| |-- about.html.erb
-- contact.html.erb
|-- bin
| |-- bundle
| |-- bundler
| |-- cap
| |-- capify
| |-- erubis
| |-- figaro
| |-- rackup
| |-- rails
| |-- rake
| |-- rdoc
| |-- ri
| |-- sass
| |-- sass-convert
| |-- scss
| |-- sdoc
| |-- sdoc-merge
| |-- spring
| |-- sprockets
| |-- thor
| -- tilt
|-- Capfile
|-- config
| |-- application.rb
| |-- application.yml
| |-- boot.rb
| |-- database.yml
| |-- deploy
| |
-- production.rb
| |-- deploy.rb
| |-- dropbox.yml
| |-- environment.rb
| |-- environments
| | |-- development.rb
| | |-- production.rb
| | -- test.rb
| |-- initializers
| | |-- assets.rb
| | |-- backtrace_silencers.rb
| | |-- cookies_serializer.rb
| | |-- filter_parameter_logging.rb
| | |-- inflections.rb
| | |-- mime_types.rb
| | |-- session_store.rb
| |
-- wrap_parameters.rb
| |-- locales
| | -- en.yml
| |-- routes.rb
-- secrets.yml
|-- db
| |-- development.sqlite3
| |-- migrate
| | |-- 20141212141828_create_listings.rb
| | -- 20141215124718_add_attachment_image_to_listings.rb
| |-- schema.rb
-- seeds.rb
|-- Gemfile
|-- Gemfile.lock
|-- lib
| |-- assets
| |-- capistrano
| | -- tasks
-- tasks
|-- log
| -- development.log
|-- public
| |-- 404.html
| |-- 422.html
| |-- 500.html
| |-- favicon.ico
| |-- robots.txt
-- system
| -- listings
-- images
| -- 000
-- 000
| |-- 001
| | |-- medium
| | | |-- phone.png
| | | -- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.52_PM.png
| | |-- original
| | | |-- phone.png
| | |
-- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.52_PM.png
| | -- thumb
| | |-- phone.png
| |
-- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.52_PM.png
| |-- 002
| | |-- medium
| | | |-- hd.png
| | | -- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.44_PM.png
| | |-- original
| | | |-- hd.png
| | |
-- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.44_PM.png
| | -- thumb
| | |-- hd.png
| |
-- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.44_PM.png
| |-- 003
| | |-- medium
| | | -- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.34_PM.png
| | |-- original
| | |
-- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.34_PM.png
| | -- thumb
| |
-- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.34_PM.png
| -- 004
| |-- medium
| |
-- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.30_PM.png
| |-- original
| | -- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.30_PM.png
-- thumb
| -- Screen_Shot_2014-12-15_at_9.13.30_PM.png
|-- Rakefile
|-- README.rdoc
|-- test
| |-- controllers
| | |-- listings_controller_test.rb
| |
-- pages_controller_test.rb
| |-- fixtures
| | -- listings.yml
| |-- helpers
| | |-- listings_helper_test.rb
| |
-- pages_helper_test.rb
| |-- integration
| |-- mailers
| |-- models
| | -- listing_test.rb
-- test_helper.rb
|-- tmp
| |-- cache
| | -- assets
| |
-- development
| | |-- sass
| | | |-- 011d7d1c91621eb84ae479ad82604e98facf777f
| | | | -- _bootstrap.scssc
| | | |-- 08f3718b183ed495627ef8fb45fa8c16ccf02b1c
| | | | |-- _alerts.scssc
| | | | |-- _background-variant.scssc
| | | | |-- _border-radius.scssc
| | | | |-- _buttons.scssc
| | | | |-- _center-block.scssc
| | | | |-- _clearfix.scssc
| | | | |-- _forms.scssc
| | | | |-- _gradients.scssc
| | | | |-- _grid-framework.scssc
| | | | |-- _grid.scssc
| | | | |-- _hide-text.scssc
| | | | |-- _image.scssc
| | | | |-- _labels.scssc
| | | | |-- _list-group.scssc
| | | | |-- _nav-divider.scssc
| | | | |-- _nav-vertical-align.scssc
| | | | |-- _opacity.scssc
| | | | |-- _pagination.scssc
| | | | |-- _panels.scssc
| | | | |-- _progress-bar.scssc
| | | | |-- _reset-filter.scssc
| | | | |-- _resize.scssc
| | | | |-- _responsive-visibility.scssc
| | | | |-- _size.scssc
| | | | |-- _tab-focus.scssc
| | | | |-- _table-row.scssc
| | | | |-- _text-emphasis.scssc
| | | | |-- _text-overflow.scssc
| | | |
-- _vendor-prefixes.scssc
| | | |-- 14240636049bc7c63728ba63268a1660abe04d73
| | | | |-- custom.css.scssc
| | | | |-- listings.css.scssc
| | | | |-- pages.css.scssc
| | | | -- scaffolds.css.scssc
| | |
-- 88ce3d55e747cffd224466b3c05ec9a6eef5f9ed
| | | |-- _alerts.scssc
| | | |-- _badges.scssc
| | | |-- _breadcrumbs.scssc
| | | |-- _button-groups.scssc
| | | |-- _buttons.scssc
| | | |-- _carousel.scssc
| | | |-- _close.scssc
| | | |-- _code.scssc
| | | |-- _component-animations.scssc
| | | |-- _dropdowns.scssc
| | | |-- _forms.scssc
| | | |-- _glyphicons.scssc
| | | |-- _grid.scssc
| | | |-- _input-groups.scssc
| | | |-- _jumbotron.scssc
| | | |-- _labels.scssc
| | | |-- _list-group.scssc
| | | |-- _media.scssc
| | | |-- _mixins.scssc
| | | |-- _modals.scssc
| | | |-- _navbar.scssc
| | | |-- _navs.scssc
| | | |-- _normalize.scssc
| | | |-- _pager.scssc
| | | |-- _pagination.scssc
| | | |-- _panels.scssc
| | | |-- _popovers.scssc
| | | |-- _print.scssc
| | | |-- _progress-bars.scssc
| | | |-- _responsive-embed.scssc
| | | |-- _responsive-utilities.scssc
| | | |-- _scaffolding.scssc
| | | |-- _tables.scssc
| | | |-- _thumbnails.scssc
| | | |-- _tooltip.scssc
| | | |-- _type.scssc
| | | |-- _utilities.scssc
| | | |-- _variables.scssc
| | | -- _wells.scssc
| |
-- sprockets
| | |-- 049a3ce71585e88d07628c4795902718
| | |-- 05a64f05f85cc44051c23e111f84b821
| | |-- 0634ea3136e394f7fe9bb2f929f16caa
| | |-- 094987eebfef43714f8ee25bbcdbf8bb
| | |-- 0bb111ba43bf6c799028bbdfb0841a88
| | |-- 0c6b4ac44585c7d4a3f60923691aa8fa
| | |-- 10fcfbe6ebae11a40c8eac41939a1b9a
| | |-- 13fe41fee1fe35b49d145bcc06610705
| | |-- 153837ca0d87efe2424624752dcc8a0c
| | |-- 1a66d8334bb82817e826dbeba46cf0cc
| | |-- 1b2a18bf7b5e8796bfe1275d11497748
| | |-- 1b7f88dd906f7476a56e8b9400ece544
| | |-- 1ba2331aab000dc355521d376087bf32
| | |-- 1c743674003b159f5c665fba7f8da053
| | |-- 1d72ed474742ca0a7915812eca5565de
| | |-- 1de186e934cea9614395a0ced31c4759
| | |-- 21fa475f07fc4b3da9f47aef7a3240ea
| | |-- 2344effab1de12d8426bf375da04ee00
| | |-- 296874a1bdab68e6ab4c07ad63388048
| | |-- 2c03908a0fbcbabd507d28e2b2c1e879
| | |-- 2d2cb554d01b1d94d004db84691412dd
| | |-- 2e0561245d22058dcea96e981ad36870
| | |-- 2f5173deea6c795b8fdde723bb4b63af
| | |-- 30532792da1f23fe031b3c139d2eb054
| | |-- 3077080a122a4d61ad06a47f442208ae
| | |-- 357970feca3ac29060c1e3861e2c0953
| | |-- 412399f16269e5df93a563569c1f34b4
| | |-- 425017a3f725f63fd369ce91a9400463
| | |-- 425c32d33ac312bdebf65df9fef9f74a
| | |-- 44e826b7b80c2e1c8463a1d11bd09022
| | |-- 466986a3e30b269d61008bb5b13dbbc8
| | |-- 490042f2e01331c4cbada74607a0c80c
| | |-- 4ca64b61cefe5e9c6f00c8eee2681535
| | |-- 553a243e9ca40f7d91b5b91d40a4400c
| | |-- 5667f66bfa8361bb1a63654f999d9370
| | |-- 56c208d486847cf4c82586e17b865ef1
| | |-- 58d13fa8238ddbe40924e2b2b8e2b892
| | |-- 59d5034ef7c78865bfde4af7dd0f1e2b
| | |-- 59f8a396c2cdbd4bcdc1755d11e6acf8
| | |-- 6bc96ed1cc4758da0c1f91086fab2257
| | |-- 797446d303aa1284ddb8e9f390572d09
| | |-- 84c7383184be3a7e520139788876a8e4
| | |-- 86569f9e6967043a5622a3c992cb8f0e
| | |-- 8d467b2390a5eab42a9d2d3d89792e32
| | |-- 8f2511830f6e103d24928dac99a5cf5a
| | |-- 93aa0ed9523a9fe2cd1b41f7c89f1fca
| | |-- 9487b16aab65ac33783993cd1aa26c8c
| | |-- 98644db9b18b3aa2daffc0876e35dbab
| | |-- 9c54a601654ebf545d1155fc6cc861b0
| | |-- a3077e2993b2e351d733533cfed3ee62
| | |-- a5290c7ae66e97020d75d77ab6d4dcde
| | |-- abc7b4f156244d95ead5ca48619efc87
| | |-- b09fb77d5362619535bc263bee250bdd
| | |-- b0d385dd56e97af95b780c08b2ffc29a
| | |-- b5653879ca3f66cb3572391cc51b2a80
| | |-- b6ca62a1ed9d7bc52d1953dbf6b20360
| | |-- b7cf1ee5c56fa85d2cf039f2541df071
| | |-- b7e4202e5a791b88efa285d17909b04e
| | |-- bd3936370d0f952ada5774e2230046ed
| | |-- bed026be6c3a2370d790f750f603f4df
| | |-- c1577dcd9ff4025295c9e4851559b1d2
| | |-- c43bb19dceef544a12248d0518e0a29d
| | |-- cffd775d018f68ce5dba1ee0d951a994
| | |-- d5345a6be82e3c90f3d0b37f874c72dd
| | |-- d6c7ce3ac277094b04690a43947ede22
| | |-- d771ace226fc8215a3572e0aa35bb0d6
| | |-- dfb233e571e2e958529a410e0bd19c30
| | |-- e459168835a5f27b832ace20874f7c10
| | |-- e7c135e11fde55286c34c65473d974d3
| | |-- edbf63d87f211c17de329b8a471a7caf
| | |-- f1788a65939bf623a4c07d83ece3d72b
| | |-- f190bc9359d3edadeb45dca87a0cb758
| | |-- f323bb3f86983aab0ac47b682a91ba59
| | |-- f5f738b65b700d4d150982435be7b758
| | |-- f7cbd26ba1d28d48de824f0e94586655
| | |-- f98e89c72ac1d9ec856dd622a1a741e4
| | -- fa39cd56508900f281b1e795eb1020b3
| |-- pids
| |-- sessions
-- sockets
-- vendor
-- assets
|-- javascripts
`-- stylesheets

When Capistrano deploys your app, it saves a copy of each deploy into releases. When the deploy succeeds, it makes current a link to the latest release so that you can manage and rollback your deploys easily. Your nginx config needs to point to the current/public directory instead because of this so it can find the most recent Rails deploy. Update your nginx conf to this and try restarting nginx.

        root         /home/jk/eyideaIS/current/public;
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