Chris Oliver


290,590 Experience
86 Lessons Completed
296 Questions Solved


Posted in Best way to grant a user specific permissions

Since that user can add access to other users specific to that post, you'll probably want to create a join table between the two and then use CanCanCan to verify if they are the owner or an editor.

Right now you probably have this:

class Post
  belongs_to :user

class User
  has_many :posts

And if you refactor so that the users are stored in a join table, you can have multiple users with access to a post:

class Post
  has_many :post_users
  has_many :users, through: :post_users

class PostUser
  belongs_to :post
  belongs_to :user

class User
  has_many :post_users
  has_many :posts, through: :post_users

When you create a post, you'll want to add @post.users << current_user so that the person who created the post is in the users list.
You can add another action to give access to another user which just accepts a user_id and does something like the following:

def add_user
  @user = User.find(params[:user_id])
  @post.users << @user
  redirect_to @post, notice: "#{} can now edit the post"

Then you can simply use CanCanCan to check if the user is in the users array for a post. If they are they can manage the post; if they aren't they can't manage the post.

Does that make sense for what you want?

Posted in video about sortable lists

Oh that's a good point. It's not formatted properly for strong_params, so you'd have trouble with it accepting things. I'll definitely plan on covering an update to that to how to do it formatted a little more standardized for strong_params.

In the meantime, you should be able to change your require & permit to just this:

def order_params
  params.permit(section: [])

Note that you'll only want to use this on the sort action and not the rest of the regular crud actions.

Posted in API Tokens with Devise Token Authenticatable Discussion

Maybe they aren't using something as friendly as Ruby on Rails. ;-)

Posted in API Tokens with Devise Token Authenticatable Discussion

Exactly! Devise uses a "reset_password_token" that gets sent over email to you. When you click the link, the token is in the url and then gets put in the new password form. When you submit the form, it looks up your user by that token and then updates your password and signs you in.

Posted in Token Auth API with Devise


Posted in Token Auth API with Devise

Here's a first episode on the topic! :)

API tokens in Redis would be useful for accessing them very quickly without hitting the database. Performance would be the primary reason here and you could also have them autoexpire using the built in Redis expiration functionality

Posted in Button Loading Animations with jQuery UJS Discussion

Paste a Github gist of your code and the HTML it generates and I'll take a look for ya!

Check out the gem documentation for some more info on I18n

Posted in Button Loading Animations with jQuery UJS Discussion

Oh I bet that's the case. I would guess that the jquery-ujs script listens to the form's submit event and since you aren't firing it, it won't happen.

It seems you could probably call the jquery-ujs methods to disable the elements in your callback.

Posted in Button Loading Animations with jQuery UJS Discussion

It looks like when I change it to type="button" the form does not submit which means the JS won't fire either.

Posted in Button Loading Animations with jQuery UJS Discussion

Hmm. I've got this on the login page here on GoRails:

<button class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block" data-disable-with="&lt;i class='fa fa-spinner fa-spin'&gt;&lt;/i&gt; Signing in..." name="button" type="submit">Sign in</button>

Only other thing I can think of is maybe your jquery-ujs isn't being loaded successfully and so it never gets triggered on click.

Posted in Button Loading Animations with jQuery UJS Discussion

You won't use it with <input> at all because neither <input type="submit"> nor <input type="button"> allow for HTML inside of it. You'll have to use the <button></button> tag to use this.

Posted in Sending Data Between Controllers And Views | GoRails

I'm super happy to hear that! :) Let me know if you've got any other topics you'd like me to explain!

Posted in Errors Following the Deploy Rails Tutorial

Glad you got it working! The config/secrets.yml works very similarly to your config/database.yml and it's the file that you can store environment variables in with Rails 4.1+. You can create it on the server manually and have Capistrano symlink it just like database.yml or you can store a copy in your git repo which might be easier.

Posted in Errors Following the Deploy Rails Tutorial

Awesome, making progress! :)

I think you might want to check your passenger_ruby line in nginx.conf to make sure it points to the right version.

Posted in Errors Following the Deploy Rails Tutorial

You may actually need to do this from the postgres user because it may be the only one that has admin permissions to do that. They set up their security permissions by default pretty well.

Check out this document

They mention:

 sudo -u postgres createdb mydb

I can't remember what I used to create my pg database last time, but that looks about right.

Posted in Capistrano deployment errors

That would do it. Subtle but important! :)

Posted in Errors Following the Deploy Rails Tutorial

Ah yeah, you need to run that in one of the releases directories (as long as your Rails code is in there). If there aren't any, you can create the database manually with the postgres command prompt.

Posted in Errors Following the Deploy Rails Tutorial

That command they suggest there is incorrect if the database doesn't exist. You can ssh into your server and run the following command to create your db, then your deploy should be able to run the migrations.

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:create

Posted in Errors Following the Deploy Rails Tutorial

Is your database.yml created manually on the server or is it in your git repository?