Eric Halverson


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45 Lessons Completed
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Posted in Adding a Blog Index Action Discussion

Perfect! : )

Posted in Creating A Blog Post Model Discussion

Awesome! : )

Posted in Rails Application Structure Explained Discussion

Awesome! Lots of good information here! Curious to come back here and rewatch after some time. : )

Posted in Ruby Scripts & IRB Discussion

Good job Collin!

Quick notes:

  • Ruby has to already be installed to do everything in the video so maybe a link to the Install Ruby and Rails Guide if folks need help with that (
  • Command to clear terminal screen is useful (command + k for Mac, cls for Windows, CTRL + L for Linux, etc..)

Thank you! : )

Posted in SQL Introduction with PostgreSQL Discussion

Nice job Collin! : )

There is a 'Next Arrow' ( > ) at the top right of the page that will take you to the next video in the series but I prefer to start from '' where you can see all of the videos in the series and then right click and open each new video on a new tab and then close after finishing the video and then going back to the list and click on the next video.

Using Rails 7: I was able to get "Thanks!" and params[:user] to render using the changes that Martin suggested: (Thank you Martin! : ) )

<%= form.submit "Sign Up", data: { turbo: false }, class: "btn btn-primary"%>

and on your form_with add local:true like this:
<%= form_with model: @user, url: sign_up_path, local: true do |form| %>

I had to restart the rails server after saving the changes for it to work : )

Of course, the point is to get the user registration to write to the database but it's nice to follow along and get the same results that Chris is getting : )

We get to the 'Sign up' form from the registrations_controller#new action which defines the @user instance variable as (calling the new method on the User model). Because we use an instance variable in the controller, it is available to be used in the 'View' (new.html.erb) where we create the form. form_with is a form helper that will generate a form tag and create a 'POST' action when submitted to the URL that we define, which, in this case is routed to our registrations_controller#create action which will create a new user in the database using the fields that are passed to it in the form fields (email, password, password_confirmation) : )

This line is already in the Gemfile at around line 37:
gem "bcrypt", "~> 3.1.7"

You just need to uncomment it and then run bundle. Did you try this? : )

Thanks for the resource link! : )

Ditto what @Jerry said! : )