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Creating A Blog Post Model Discussion


Awesome! : )

Awesome! : )

Hi Chris, what's the benefit of using Postgres over sqlite3?

Well done, Chris!

For future travellers, the sqlite3 database is under /storage now

Indeed! <2


Thanks for sharing

Thanks Chris!

Having issues, unfortunately. keep rewatching the first couple of videos over and over to see where I went wrong but Rails generate, doesn't return the list of options.

Disregard the above comment, I realized what was going on and corrected everything.

One thing I can't get to work, is setting up TablePlus.

Does anyone have any good resources to assist?

try using DBeaver if you are not able to set up TablePlus.

What was going wrong?

Really helpful!
Could you recommend some sqlite viewers though

Hey! I am VERY new to Ruby and Rails and was struggling with the rails db:migrate not creating the columns correctly but from another tutorial it said to use 'bundle exec rails db:migrate' so I tried on the models here and it worked! Not sure why but in case anyone else is struggling or confused, could give this command a try when migrating to db!

Lucy, silly question, but have you made sure the DB has been created first?

Nope - I didn't know to do that though, but will do so in future. Thanks for replying :)

PostgreSQL users: if you're having trouble with the db:migration for the model you need to create the database first. So before you've created the model (rails generate model BlogPost title:string body:text) you need to create the database. From the terminal, make sure you're in the right directory (~/blog) and type " rake db:create " without the quotes. This should create two databases: blog_development and blog_test. Once created, you can create your model as Chris shows and then run db:migrate to move it to the development database.

Thanks Jared! This really helpful :D

Well Done Chris !!! Learning a lot & Learning from the best

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