Nick McNeany


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1 Question Solved


Posted in Rails 7, Devise in turbo_frames


Posted in Rails 7, Devise in turbo_frames

  • Rails 7.0.6
  • Devise 4.9


  • I have a pretty standard Devise setup with links in a global navbar that look like this.

    <%= link_to('Create account', new_user_registration_path, data: {turbo_frame: 'auth-modal'} ) %>
    <%= link_to('Sign in', new_user_session_path, data: {turbo_frame: 'auth-modal'} ) %>
  • In my application.html.erb, I have a turbo_frame_tag

    <%= turbo_frame_tag('auth-modal') %>
  • My Devise templates have the correct corresponding tags

    <%= turbo_frame_tag('auth-modal') do %>
    Devise new session form / Devise new registration form
    <% end %>

    I also have the necessary css in place to make the frame look an actual modal when displayed.

  • When clicking the links in the navbar the Sign in/log in templates do show as expected, styled as a modal. And I can sign up and login as expected.

The issue

The majority of my pages show certain content for logged out users and user specific content for logged in users. I'm trying to figure out how to update the current page, after a successful login or registration to show the new user specific content instead of the generic content. If I manually refresh the page everything works as expected. Obviously that's not ideal to make user refresh the page after logging in.

Thanks for any help in advance, and please let me know if anything is unclear!

Posted in Responsive Navigation with Turbo Discussion

Hey Collin, no problem at all! Thanks for clarifying. Looking forward to watching it!

Posted in Rails Components From Scratch Discussion

Great episode Chris!

Posted in Responsive Navigation with Turbo Discussion

Chris! The video is se to private!

Rails 6 & Bootstrap 5 update

Installing packages

  • Bootstrap and jQuery can stay the same, although Bootstrap 5 doesn't use jQuery anymore so it's actually not needed for this.

  • javascript yarn add @popperjs/core

    instead of

    yarn add popper.js

Importing bootstrap into application.js

import * as bootstrap from 'bootstrap'

Selecting all tooltips

document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', () => {
  var tooltipTriggerList = []'[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]'))
  var tooltipList = (tooltipTriggerEl) {
    return new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl)

Note: as mentioned above the data attribute has changed data-bs-toggle="tooltip. You can do the same thing for popovers.

Thanks Chris!

Posted in New Design!

Chris, I think you nailed it this time! Every time you roll out a new site design, it's better than the previous.

Great job!


Awesome episode Chris!

Would love to see more on Stimulus!

Absolutely agree!

Chris is the man! Thanks for all the hardwork, I've learned a lot over the last 4 years!

Posted in Symbols vs Strings Discussion

Great episode, Chris! Love the basics/beginner genre!

Posted in Security Hardening Servers with Fail2Ban Discussion

Great epiode Chris! Would love to see more like this!

Posted in New Site Design!

Chris! The new site looks awesome! Great work!


Makes total sense. Thanks for the quick response Chris! You're the man!

Hey everyone,

Quick question (I hope). I have an application with Devise's out-of-the-box initial set-up. Later, I realized I wanted to include the Trackable functionality so I included it in my model, and uncommented out the Trackable section in the migration file. When I run rails db:migrate nothing happens.

Is this not an acceptable way to do this? Should I run a separate migartion to add the columns I need?

Thanks of the help!


Awesome! Can't wait to see the next videos!
Thanks, Chris!

I'd love to see more of these. I'm using Hatch and loving it, I just don't think I'm using it to it's full potential.

I think a series of setting up and configuring different features would be cool!

Posted in Building A Hosting Platform in Ruby Discussion

Really cool video, Chris! Thanks for sharing this!

Also, I like the new commenting system. I just finished mine yesterday. Did you use the Ancestry gem for nesting? 

Posted in Layout for Devise with scoped route

Hey Jacob,

Thanks for the help! Unfortunately I still can't get the layout to display. I think I'm just going to move onto plan b for now.

I really appreciate your help!


Great video Chris! I'm loving this series!