Search Results for "which-is-more-better-java-programming-or-kotlin"
Forum Threads
How do I learn to write dry code?
Using Vagrant for Rails Development Discussion
I too have battled with this for ages, using vagrant et al on Ubuntu 17.10. Kept getting the "too many children" error. I discovered that many thought the problem was with "archive-tar-minitar" gem...
Bob Bannister repliedDeploy Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr Discussion
Hey there ! I'm trying to deploy on a private server following this tutorial with a rails 5.2 app and somehow when I cap production destroy, i get an error saying 01 SassC::SyntaxErro...
paul lahana repliedIntroduction to Stimulus Reflex Discussion
Absolutely -- yes -- more videos on Simulus Reflex, please :)
Jason Eastwood repliedAPI TOKEN DEVISE
Hi Ján, Can you share your code on Github? I'm also trying to build a Rails API that uses Devise for user authentication.
Michael Stitt repliedIn-App Navbar Notifications Discussion
This is exactly what I was looking for!! Thank you so much!!! I'd love to see how you integrate React to this feature too.
Ken Hibino repliedManage multiple rails project with different versions of rails and ruby | RVM vs Rbenv | Bundler
I am new to rails so I have a lot to ask and I find out there is a huge debate on ruby version managers i.e RVM and Rbenv, and there is a bundler too. Now all the articles I have read are old and t...
usama akram postedGem for Master-slave Replication
Hi, I'm trying to make master-slave replication(One master(write/read) and one slave(read only)) for my database(mysql 8 / rails 4.2). I researched whole day but I'm still considering which gem is ...
Sean postedGood guide for standing up a solid Ruby gem development environment in Visual Studio Code?
Thanks for sharing this information.,
tech solver repliedDoes it make sense keep using Carrierwave having ActiveStorage?
Based on the pre- version of Rails, I found Carrierwave to be more suitable for apps where I need to generate multiple-size versions of an image on upload that I may want to use outside the ...
HP repliedHow to use Bootstrap with CSS bundling in Rails Discussion
I have replace the webpacker with esbuild in my rails 7 project, js files are compiling but not working, and not getting any error.
Almas Asghar repliedHow to test ActionMailer in Rails Discussion
Hello all of you, today I want to tell you about DoMyEssay's ability to work effectively with a variety of subjects, as stated in the, prompted me to place an order for a comprehensive literature a...
rebelssasha repliedHow do I install a Bootstrap 5 theme with Rails 7
I also have similar questions and inquiries, hoping to receive answers soon
Tommy Ortega replied2 sites... 1 DB?
I don't see where there's any issue other than activestorage I have two sites running from the same database but I can't figure out how to display images
Fugee Ohu repliedMultiple Rubies using Rbenv
Right you are sir. Actually there's been talk of shipping bundler with Ruby, although I forget where I saw it. That would be nice though. Having the .ruby-version in your repo also helps when yo...
shakycode repliedThousand separator and Number formating
How do I allow a user to make multiple payments on one booking using Stripe?
I'm a few days behind catching up on the forum. Great to see you got it working! Having the quantity being passed over sure helps. :) Took a while to debug, but I bet it feels good to have figured ...
Chris Oliver replied • SolvedHow do I import a Sass library from within a "node_module" (Rails 5.1)?
Yeah, I'm messing with this and running TailwindCSS/SASS in parallel with the Rails Asset Pipeline/Bootstrap.As mentioned, that's what's so powerful about Webpack (as I've recently discovered and l...
Ryan Martin replied • Solved