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What are you best recommendations for Ruby on Rails books I should read?


I am trying to understand Ruby and Rails as best I can. I've purchased a bunch of ruby on rails books, but am wondering if you have any recommendations. Perhaps there are many I haven't yet read to help me get a better understanding of everything that's going on?

Thank you!

My personal favorite was Metaprogramming Ruby. It explains how metaprogramming works which is ActiveRecords generates methods based upon the columns that are in each table in the database. That is the "magic" that most people don't understand in Rails. It's just standard Ruby, applied in smart ways.

Oh that sounds like a winner! And one I haven't heard of before. Thank you Chris.

I have also read a lot of books and watched tutorials to learn ruby on rails. But all of them, Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl was the best to me. It teaches Rails by guiding you through the development of three example applications of increasing sophistication. The tutorial’s examples focus on the general principles of web development needed for virtually any kind of website. The updates to this edition include full compatibility with Rails 5, a division of the largest chapters into more manageable units, and a huge number of new exercises interspersed in each chapter for maximum reinforcement of the material.

This is useful.

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